Mike Danneskjold Announces Scholarship Contest
Online, October 19, 2012 (Newswire.com) - Today Mike Danneskjold, former head of the Galt Foundation, a liberty oriented think tank, announced to a small group of investors his intention to create a new scholarship for young entrepreneurial-minded individuals. The scholarship will provide a full year's tuition at a college, university, or other institution of higher learning to one annual winner, and smaller cash awards to other finalists.
The most interesting part of the scholarship is how the winner will be chosen. While scholarship applicants will submit a CV or resume and an academic transcript, the scholarship winner will be chosen based primarily on an essay on a subject dear to Mr. Danneskjold's heart - economics and liberty - but with a decidedly libertarian twist.
"It is our well-founded belief that academia is slanted heavily in the direction of socialism and big government solutions. Our bright young people are being fed a diet of Keynes and Marx. We want to put people in the academic discussion who bring some knowledge of Rothbard and von Mises. With our limited resources and power, we cannot overhaul the faculties at major universities, but we can help put some knowledgeable students in the mix," Danneskjold said to the small, but enthusiastic gathering.
The essay topics will include comparisons between Keynesian and Austrian economic philosophies, real world examples of the philosophies presented in major works of Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, Milton Friedman, et. al, and the reality of fiat money versus hard currencies backed by assets like gold and silver. The works must be completely original and on topic. All references to other works must be fully cited. "Plagiarism will not be tolerated," Danneskjold said, "When you are a vocal minority, you need to make extra sure you are doing everything within the rules. Our scholarship winners need to be above reproach." Contest winners will be selected by a panel of judges to include Danneskjold himself as well as two other unnamed members.
Danneskjold stated that the first scholarship contest should be ready to go by Spring and will be sponsored by his new, yet unnamed company. Danneskjold announced recently the beginning of a new full-service trustee company and trust banking institution emphasizing customer privacy in an increasingly less private industry.
Tags: Danneskjold, Libertarian, scholarship