MINFA, Govt. of Pakistan released funds for District Rahim Yar Khan under food Security Program of Crop Maximization Project-II

Mr. Irfan Arshad Credit & VO Help Officer, CMP-II, Rahim Yar Khan seized the opportunity to extend his profound greetings and congratulations to the member farmers of 10 core villages of District Rahim Yar Khan on the release Revolving Funds.

Mr. Irfan Arshad Credit & VO Help Officer, CMP-II, Rahim Yar Khan seized the opportunity to extend his profound greetings and congratulations to the member farmers of 10 core villages of District Rahim Yar Khan on the release of 2nd installment of Revolving Fund amounting to 5.5 million rupees. Mr. Irfan Arshad explained that first installment has already been received in June 2009 amounting to 4.5 million rupees leading to a total of 1 billion for wheat crop.

These funds are provided under the National Program for food security & productivity Enhancement of Small Farmers (Crop maximization Project-II). Funds are directly transferred to the accounts of each Village Organization maintained in National Bank of Pakistan, Model Town Branch Rahim Yar Khan. This is a greater achievement of the project in securing timely funds to be used for Rabi Crop of wheat before sowing and it will ensure the increased production at larger scale to achieve the objective of food security.

Once the maturity indicators are fulfilled, said Mr. Irfan Arshad, Village Organizations will be allowed to make use of them purely for the purchase of inputs for wheat crop. Mr. Irfan also explained that being a Vo Help Officer it is my duty to fascilitate the farmers/members in securing passbooks and other legal requirement for obtaining these production loans. These loans will be disbursed by the executive body of each village organization registered under Cooperative Societies Act 1925 on prescribed procedure.

This is just another move to get the farmers easy and timely access to obtain loans instead of traditional complex procedure. We aim to provide the member farmers with best quality of seed, fertilizer, weedicides and other inputs for wheat crop to enjoy the highest yield. Besides this financial support, we have also panned a 10 Farmer Field Schools to make them technically expert for wheat crop. All these measure are just to empower and make the farmers self sufficient in their productions.

Mr. Irfan also stressed that utilization of these loans will be monitored regularly, and of course recovery will be also ensured after 6 months. He also explained that soon after production loans, much more interventions will also be launched to these villages including Animal Health Centers, Input Sales & Marketing Centers, Farm Implements Pools and Income Diversification Interventions. Farmers are requested, said Mr. Irfan Arshad, Credit & VO Help Officer, to fully cooperate and participate in this national program for the uplift of economy.


Tags: agriculture, Credit & VO help Officer, Irfan Arshad, Revolving Fund, Small Farmers, Village Organization

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Press Contact, Govt. of Punjab Agriculture Departement
Govt. of Punjab Agriculture Departement
Office of District Officer Agricultre (Extension)
Church Road rahim Yar Khan