Mining Company Seeks New Technology to Assist in Lowering Costs and Increase Profitability
Online, July 27, 2010 ( - CHINA- China Mineral Company (CMC) has started a task force of analysts, industry specialists, and corporate officers to begin to look into some of the tremendous advancements that have been made within the mining industry with regards to technology, and the benefits some of the new equipment could have on a company's productivity, as well as profitability.
The task force has been very interested in the developments made by scientific equipment supplier and software developer MicroMentis and their intelligent profiling system entitled "Swips". The two companies have begun discussions to form a partnership and allow CMC to implement the technology in all their mining operations.
The "Swips" system is used for rapid characterization of geological structures beneath the earth's surface to improve drilling and blasting practices. It is a nonintrusive technology based on seismic surface waves which will enable CMC to visualize, analyze, and model the properties of solids.
CMC analysts' have stated that the "Swips" system can be used as a pathfinder, which will lead to a reduction in drill holes which are used in prospection phases of mines. It will also be used by CMC to do ore characterization, during blasting operations, monitor blasting effectiveness, as well as help with mine design and roof and slope monitoring.
"Bringing the "Swips" system in CMC promises to yield new possibilities in our companies mining quality, data analysis, and product detection" said CMC Analyst Clark Paulson. "The cost reduction to our operation, as well as the profitability we can reap will advance the company overnight."
For More Information Please Contact Clair Barton at +8613502259111 or visit
Tags: China Mineral Company, cmc, mines, mining, technology,