Minstrel's Alley Author, Gordon Basichis, To Be Interviewed on Page Talk

(Los Angeles) Gordon Basichis, author of "The Guys Who Spied for China" (Minstrels Alley 2009) will be interviewed by Nancy Arvizu for her Blog Radio Show, Page Talk Readers. www.blogtalkradio.com/page-readers

(Los Angeles) Minstrel's Alley author, Gordon Basichis, will be interviewed by Nancy Arvizu for her Blog Radio Show, Page Talk Readers. Arvizu is the longtime host of Page Readers and conducts live interviews with authors on any number of subjects. Listeners are invited to call and ask questions.
The interview is scheduled for Thursday, February 4th, at 9 A.M. Pacific Time. Arvizu will be talking to Basichis about his latest book, "The Guys Who Spied for China." The book is a roman a clef, detailing his first person experiences uncovering Chinese Espionage Networks that had been operating in the United States since after the Korean War. The initial spy network was comprised of Americans and Europeans. The story is set around the United States but mostly takes place in California and in the Santa Monica Mountains, just above Beverly Hills.
"Early reviews of "The Guys Who Spied for China," describe the book as quirky and darkly humorous," said M.J. Hammond, Publisher of Minstrel's Alley. Hammond added," this is not your standard spy novel. Not your genre story about saving the world. It is a character driven story that explores the inception of Chinese spy practices that is still making headlines today."
"The Guys Who Spied for China," was published by Minstrel's Alley, an independent West Coast Publisher. This was the first offering from the new publishing entity.
Basichis is the author of two other books, "Beautiful Bad Girl, The Vicki Morgan Story," which details the tempestuous relationship between mistress Vicki Morgan and Department Store scion and member of Ronald Reagan's kitchen cabinet, Alfred Bloomingdale.
M.J. Hammond is a former entertainment industry executive who founded Minstrel's Alley to publish popular books not found in mainstream publishing.
"Mainstream publishing has its purpose," said Hammond. But the industry's focus on celebrity and genre based books has left readers wanting. We hope to help bring a sense of adventure back to books and publishing."

For more on "The Guys Who Spied for China," reviews are available at Amazon.com The book is available from Kindle as well as trade paperback. For more on Minstrel's Alley, go to its website at www.minstrelsalley.com.


Tags: China, Chinese Espionage, CIA, Counterterrorism, Cyberspying, Espionage, novel, spy, true crime

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