Miramar Recovery Creates a '72-Hour Post-Admission Monitoring' Program
Online, October 15, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Miramar Addiction and Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center, the leader in substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment, has created a comprehensive 72-hour post-admission patient and family management program, designed to assisting clients and their families and/or loved ones, during the critical first 2-3 days after admission to the treatment center. The program will be under the direction and auspices of Miramar Clinical and Program Director, Dr. Cheryl Alvarez, PsyD. and is anticipated to be implemented fully by the end of this week.
The program will include the assignment of a highly experienced staff member to each new admitting patient, whose purpose is to provide orientation, mentoring, and family liaison services, during the first several days following admission to the program. A Miramar spokesperson stated, 'we recognize the emotional fragility often experienced by new patients, as well as the desire and need for family and loved ones to be updated as to their progress. . . this program will masterfully satisfy those needs.' Created as a result of years of observation and experience through which it was determined that new clients acclimate much quicker with less and anxiety, thus averting premature discharge, when they have a 'mentor' type staff member who can support them, at this time. Additionally, because family members are often left wondering about their loved one's wellbeing, the program addresses those concerns, as well.
Specifics of the program comprise an initial 1 hour orientation, including introductions to staff, tour of the treatment facility, review of procedures and rules, as well as an organic discussion regarding what to expect in treatment. Clients will have unlimited access to his/her assigned staff member, during the '72-hour' period. Additionally, the assigned 'mentor' will provide daily communication with a designated family member/loved one for the purpose of providing update and progress information.
'We are not aware of any other treatment program in the field that implements a similar program, and expect this to be an exceptional benefit to our clients' stated a Miramar spokesman for Drug Rehab Center.
About Miramar Recovery:
Miramar Recovery is the premier addiction and dual diagnosis treatment center in the treatment industry. It is licensed for on-site detoxification and comprehensive primary-care addiction treatment. Miramar has exclusive treatment centers in beautiful Laguna Beach and Newport Beach, California.
Tags: alcohol rehab center, diagnosis treatment, Drug Rehab Centers, dual diagnosis center