MISSION Leads Petition Drive to Ban Bumpers
Online, August 26, 2010 (Newswire.com) - (Boston, MA) - Mothers Investigating Safe Sleep Options for Newborns (MISSION) is leading a global effort to save the lives of babies. The child safety organization has started a petition that seeks to ban traditional crib bumpers.
"We need to get traditional crib bumpers off the shelves of retailers," said Catherine Hall, MISSION President. "They are dangerous and not needed. Removal of this dangerous bedding will save lives."
The petition drive is also calling on the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to investigate deaths caused by traditional crib bumpers. More than 100 babies have died due to strangulation or suffocation from traditional bumpers.
"We're talking about the safety of the nation's newborns and infants," said Ken Levinson, child injury attorney and child safety advocate. "Unsuspecting parents are buying these bumpers without adequate warning as to their dangers and I believe that MISSION is correct to demand the Consumer Products Safety Commission investigate all crib bumpers."
Currently, the American Academy of Pediatrics discourages the use of traditional bumper pads and even suggests that parents remove the pillow-like cushions. There are now alternatives on the market that are more effective and less dangerous than traditional bumpers. But until there is a concise message on the dangers of these items, parents will unknowingly put their child at risk.
Concerned parents, physicians, medical professionals and child advocates
are urged to sign the petition at www.thepetitionsite.com/1/stopsmothering-your-baby-to-death/.
Mothers Investigating Safe Sleep Options for Newborns strives to investigate and research infant sleep environments, work with organizations to advance the safety of sleep environments for newborns, distribute educational materials, empower and educate the public on safe sleep options and advance political issues regarding child safety, product safety and consumer rights.
Tags: baby deaths, ban on crib bumpers, crib bumpers, crib death, mission, MISSION petition