MLM Guru Focuses On Controlling the "Risk Factors" Against Cardiovascular Disease (New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota

Controlling the "Risk Factors" Against Cardiovascular Disease is Key to a Happy Healthy Life; Xocai Healthy "Flavinol Rich" Chocolate is Known to Attribute to Lowering Blood Pressure.

"Heart disease" and "stroke" are the two most common conditions that fall under the "expansive umbrella" name of "Cardiovascular Disease" (CVD), which are diseases that affect the blood supply to the heart, brain and other parts of the body. Heart disease includes conditions that affect the heart, such as coronary heart disease (CHD), congestive heart failure and heart attacks.

Stroke, also known as "cerebrovascular disease", affects the blood vessels in the brain. There are a number of factors that can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease; some factors we "cannot control", such as genetics, age and sex. Other factors, however, can be changed to prevent or delay the onset of cardiovascular disease. These are known as "modifiable risk factors" and include abnormal cholesterol, high blood pressure, prediabetes, diabetes, tobacco use, secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure, physical inactivity, poor nutrition and excess weight.

Cardiovascular disease "generally" takes many years or decades to develop. Therefore, prevention of CVD must begin during childhood. As this is where "healthy habits" can be developed. Prevention continues into adulthood, where "safeguarding of healthy habits is key". Medications and "way of life changes" can help control risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, prediabetes and diabetes. It is "essential" that resources and opportunity are available for those of all ages to engage in healthy lifestyles where they can be active, eat healthy foods, breathe smoke-free air and prevent the onset of risk factors as well as disease.

In 2007, over 7% of New Mexico adults reported to their health care professional; that they either have had a heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease or chest pain. This "translates" to over 109,000 New Mexico adults living with CVD statewide! Heart disease is the leading cause of death in New Mexico. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death.

In 2006, "diseases of the heart and stroke combined" claimed nearly 4,000 lives! That accounts for over a quarter of all deaths in New Mexico. The rates of death from diseases of the heart and stroke have been waning, primarily from control of certain risk factors (such as, tobacco, cholesterol and blood pressure), as well as from "advances" in medicine, so that more people can survive with CVD. Regardless of the decreasing death rate over the past 15 years, the swell in some other risk factors such as obesity and diabetes, regretfully this development could potentially be overturned in the future if preventive action is not taken.

Throughout history "Cacao" has been used as a folk medicine. Many studies have shown that "Cacao" really may actually have significant "health benefits", according to a new study by Harvard researchers. In 21 studies, 2,575 participants consumed "Dark Chocolate" and it showed that "cocoa" consumption is associated with improved blood vessel health, improvement in cholesterol levels, and decreased blood pressure. The compounds found in the cocoa called "flavinols", which cause that bitterness, have been attributed to lowering blood pressure. Most "chocoholics", however, consume chocolate in which those "flavinols" have been destroyed by the chocolates cooking process. (Such as Milk chocolate or White chocolate products.)
Real people with real health problems are discovering the benefits of regularly consuming Xocai Antioxidant Rich Chocolate. The Brooks family established MXI Corp over four years ago. MXI Corp- Xocai Healthy Chocolate invented a revolutionary "cold-press" method that is exclusive to Xocai Antioxidant Rich Organic Dark Chocolate. This processing method makes it possible to transform the cacao bean into a delicious edible form that retains all the nutrients without adding the unwelcome ingredients.

"Antioxidants" are the answer to many problems associated with CVD. New Mexico has discovered the full health benefits of Xocai Organic Healthy Chocolate. If you would like more information about Xocai's Delicious Dark Chocolate and its opportunity, please contact me.

Xocai has a full line of Healthy Chocolate options. Xocai is distributed thru "network marketing", with an industry leading compensation plan. To learn more about Xocai Healthy Chocolate and its home based business opportunities, please check out my blog.

About MXI Corp (Marketing Xocolate International Corporation):
Established in 2005, Marketing Xocolate International Corporation (MXI-Corp) is the world leader in natural antioxidant products with a particular focus on healthy, dark (and now milk) chocolate products. All MXI Corp products are focused on potent doses of delicious, antioxidant-rich Belgian cacao. MXI Corp believes that the high levels of natural antioxidants that are found in its cacao can provide a viable solution to individual nutritional needs. The Xoçai™ (show-sigh) product line, which currently includes nine products, is manufactured utilizing a proprietary cold-press process, which preserves the nutritional values of the company's proprietary blends of vitamins and minerals. Nevada-based MXI Corp is a "privately held" company. The Brooks family, owners and operators of MXI Corp, have total combined chocolate sales of more than $1 billion.

~MXI Corp currently operates in 25+ countries and has over 200,000 distributors.
~Archived press releases can be found at
~Join Xocai Today!

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Tags: "dark chocolate, adam paul green, HOME BASED BUISNESS, MLM, mxi corp, network marketing, xocai healthy chocolate

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