Mobile Affiliate Training, Learn How To Claim Your Piece Of The 15Bln Dollar Pie

There is a huge opportunity out there, as big as 15 bln. dollars growing to 30 bln. dollars in the future according to some predictions. This huge opportunity lies in mobile marketing. Mobile Affiliate Training is paramount to succeed.

Mobile marketing is predicted to be a 15 bln. dollar industry this year with some long term predictions claiming it to grow to twice that size in the coming years. For businesses this poses both an opportunity and a thread. The opportunity for businesses is that mobile marketing is still a low competition market compared to the web. This leaves room to get products and services in front of countless potential buyers with relative ease. The danger is not having a company presence on the mobile web, getting left behind by competitors who do. A further challenge for businesses is that there are not that many knowledgeable agencies out there yet that know how to build a mobile presence for a company and rake in the sales using mobile marketing. This leaves a huge potential for people and companies willing to train themselves on mobile (affiliate) marketing. Getting the proper mobile affiliate training will provide these people and companies with an opportunity to provide a high value service to businesses getting them established on the mobile web and getting the sales in for them. With 15 bln dollars at stake, a huge opportunity to say the least. But where to get your mobile affiliate training to be ready to jump at this opportunity either as an affiliate or mobile marketer?

"We saw the need for good reviews on mobile affiliate training" Peter van Gameren, owner of AmbitionLifestyle in the Netherlands is quoted saying. "It started out with some of our customers asking us where to get the proper training for mobile marketing. But the questions became so frequent, we decided to evaluate the products we use for mobile marketing and get those evaluations out on the web. It was a nice exercise to do as it also opened our eyes to some of the strong and weak points of the products we are using. This gave us some insight on what to look for in our next investment. And I think the review we did will help other companies and people decide on what mobile affiliate training product to get to help them with their mobile marketing. We have gotten some positive feedback and decided to review all products we use for our internet marketing services" The review of the mobile affiliate training product can be found here:

Asked for what makes the AmbitionLifestyle reviews unique, van Gameren answers: "Looking at the feedback we got, I think people appreciate our no nonsense, direct approach. The Dutch are apparently know for their directness and being down to earth. That attitude is reflected in our review and apparently is appreciated. We basically don't do much more than telling the audience what the product has done for us and where we think it fell short. That's all. Mobile Affiliate Training and the OfferMobi product MobileAffiliateProfits is the first product that was reviewed. But there are a couple more reviews that should be up once people take a look at our website in the coming days."

With the vast array of products on internet marketing that are coming out, a well thought out, down to earth review can be invaluable for people and businesses looking to buy a product. With a few givens in place: marketing is going mobile, it will become bigger than the web, it is a new market that can be conquered with relative ease, there is an obvious choice for people and businesses that need exposure for their products and services. Go mobile! To do it right and claim your piece of the 15 bln. dollar market, you will need the proper training. The people at AmbitionLifestyle put together a review on the mobile affiliate training product they use; MobileAffiliateProfits by OfferMobi. The review is down to earth, and tells you what this mobile affiliate training is about without any sugar coating. You can go over and take a look at the review at the AmbitionLifestyle website:


AmbitionLifestyle is a marketing agency with its roots in local and mobile internet marketing from the Randstad area in the Netherlands. They help local businesses connect with their target audience by means of local and mobile marketing campaigns. They proudly serve companies, big and small, with services ranging from SEO to long running internet marketing campaigns. The company website is: The english language section for reviews can be found here: http://www.


Tags: a, AFFILIATE MARKETING, internet marketing, Mobile, Mobile Affiliate Marketing, Mobile Affiliate Training, mobile devices, Mobile Marketing, OfferMobi

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