Mobile Apps for Hotels: AppAtrip Offers Individual Apps With Diverse Functions is a mobile application suite providing branded mobile applications for the Hospitality Industry. The application suite consists of various modules and is available for all common operating systems.

Increasingly influential Booking and Last minute booking Apps are the best proof: Mobile platforms are rapidly becoming more important. Each day more people are planning and booking their vacations by smart phone. The hotel industry is still playing "catch up" with the enormous steps the mobile market has been making. The Berlin based startup company AppATrip gives hotels the opportunity to improve on their marketing communication, and sales channel strategies with its multi faceted App. In addition to the basic functions, various individual functionalities complete a package where hotel's client base is at the center of the function. The App is developed for both tablets and for smart phones covering every operating system on the market today. The basic App is available for 50 € on a monthly basis.

Using AppATrip enables hotels to create an App with their individual desires, fast and cost effective. With features such as restaurant table bookings, room bookings push notifications and social media access; hotels can open up a new world of opportunities to their sales and marketing operations. These already expansive functions can be readily expanded upon, and can include features such as location based maps to attractions in the area, room service ordering and extending to souvenir shop purchases. With other functions are being planned, which will include hotel reviews via text and video. AppATrip is revolutionizing the industry for a hotels reputation management. Branding is also thought out in the AppATrip offering with design options ranging from a standard to a premium design detailing and accentuating the hotel's distinct brand.

Mobile bookings have been increasing steadily over the last few years for hotels. According to the market research company "PhocusWright", one of the largest and most prestigious researchers worldwide for the tourism and hospitality industry, the mobile market will continue to grow. The revenue created by mobile bookings in the USA will triple from 2012 to 2014. The hotel reservation company "HRS" has doubled its revenue from 2010 to 2011 through mobile bookings and doubled that in 2012. "Mobile presence is becoming more important for a hotel's customer base", explained the CEO of AppATrip, Ali Shaheen and added "Because customers are reliant on mobile phones throughout their travels, the ability to reach out and inform this clientele is essential to a hotel's sales and marketing offering. Furthermore, mobile applications provide much higher return on investment, as every time a new user installs the applications, she is potentially signing up to receive hotel's notifications. Newsletter sign up from the websites is not that simple, anymore. This is why it's important for hotels to at least have a basic presence with a starter mobile application."

About AppATrip: is a mobile application suite providing branded mobile applications for the Hospitality Industry. The application suite consists of various modules and is available for all common operating systems such as iOS, Android and Windows Mobile. The applications are available in a subscription model and are highly modular, so hotels can subscribe to different features in a very flexible way. Founded in 2012, is wholly owned by Coeus Solutions GmbH, which is a privately held software development company based out of Berlin with offices in Munich, San Francisco and Lahore.

Katja Waldor
c/o Coeus Solutions GmbH
Thulestraße 42
13189 Berlin, Germany
[email protected]
Phone: +49 30 4737 6382


Tags: Hotels, mobile apps, smartphones

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Alexandra Mittelstaedt
Press Contact, Coeus Solutions / AppATrip