Mobile client for learning foreign words is available for public beta testing

On the 1st of July users can take part in public beta testing of WordSteps Mobile Client - the application for cell phones, smartphones and PDA with Java support. The app gives the opportunity to learn new foreign words in nine languages on the go.

WordSteps announced the release of a new mobile client, WordSteps Mobile Client, for mobile devices. The freely downloadable Java application delivers users the look and feel of WordSteps users through an interface optimized for mobile devices.

Users can download up to 10 dictionaries a day and learn new foreign words using five exercises, including flashcards and translation variants. Nine languages are available.

"WordSteps's mobile client is designed to enable people to quickly and easily get new dictionaries and learn words on the go," said developers. "We realize how much time people spend with no purpose. They can always find some free 5-10 minutes and use WordSteps Mobile Client for improving their vocabulary. WMC will help people to spend their free time with the profit when they're away from computers."

Users with J2ME-enabled phones can write a request on support (at) or use the feedback online form.

About WordSteps has the primary objective of giving users effective online tools for creating vocabularies and learning new words. With this aim, WordSteps offers six exercises. Among those there are popular flash cards, choosing of correct translation, spelling of words and others. Most of exercises have correct answer keys. The feature of creating new dictionaries is also simplified. For each English word offers an auto transcription feature, for all words - auto translation feature. This way users spend less time for creating new dictionaries. Users can also listen to the pronunciation of almost all English words recorded by native speakers. is a collection of thematic dictionaries, each offered in nine different languages: English, Russian, French, Spanish, Chinese, German, Japanese, Italian and Portuguese. Every user can create his/her own collection of dictionaries. And the best dictionaries voted for by majority of users are posted on the website main page. In order to start learning new words user must choose a dictionary and then do some exercises, such as reading, choosing of correct translation, writing a word etc. The service is absolutely free.


Tags: app, dictionary, Education, java application, learning words, mobile client, vocabulary

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