MobileTek Dental Labs Added to New York Authorized BruxZir Lab List

MobileTek Dental Labs, New York City's most innovative dental lab, has been added to the list of Authorized BruxZir Labs. BruxZir Solid Zirconia is a full-contour solid zirconia crown or bridge with no porcelain overlay.

MobileTek Dental Labs, New York City's most innovative dental lab, has been added to the list of Authorized BruxZir Labs. BruxZir Solid Zirconia is a full-contour solid zirconia crown or bridge with no porcelain overlay. This new restoration proves strong, reliable and aesthetic results because of the science behind its composition. As an Authorized BruxZir Lab, dentists are guaranteed that MobileTek Dental Labs uses authentic BruxZir Solid Zirconia for the fabrication of solid zirconia dental restorations.

"We are proud to be one of the few New York City Tri-State area labs offering authentic BruxZir restorations to our dentist clients. The material has become very popular in the last year, for its strength, reliability and surprisingly good aesthetics," said David Birnbaum, Owner of MobileTek. 3 packs of BruxZir crowns can be ordered online at

Since its release, BruxZir has gained the attention of the dental community due primarily to its strength and superior aesthetics when compared to metal-based restorations for patients who brux or grind their teeth. BruxZir is a Dentistry Today Top 100 Product. The strength, high fracture toughness, resistance to thermal shock and translucency of BruxZir Solid Zirconia dental restorations have contributed to its rampant success in the dental profession.

Marisa Birnbaum, MobileTek's Chief Technician and Director of Lab Operations added, "Our dentist clients are very pleased with BruxZir restorations - the monolithic strength of the material allows them to work with standard PFM preparations. Our CAD/CAM tools and processes give us great control of the final restoration."

MobileTek Dental Labs, based in New York City, is a privately owned corporation that provides high-quality lab service to dentists. Using a smart mix of CAD/CAM technology and "old school" lab techniques, MobileTek provides a wide array of lab services including BruxZir, EMAX lithium disilicate, dental implants and night guards. For more information, visit


Tags: bruxzir, Crown, Dental, dental lab, dentist, zirconia

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David Birnbaum
Press Contact, MobileTek Dental Labs
MobileTek Dental Labs
30 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016