Moles, Warts, Scars, and Cherry Angiomas, Oh My! Homeopathy Helps

New hope for skin ailment sufferers: King Bio adds four topical homeopathic formulas for moles, warts, scars, and cherry angiomas to their current lineup of more than 400 natural medicines developed during 25 years of business.

King Bio, a homeopathic manufacturing company, just released four topical formulas to naturally address cherry angiomas, moles, scars, and warts.

If your reaction is “homeo-what?” and “cherry-huh?” then read on.

"Safe medicine is smart medicine."

Dr. Frank King, President, King Bio

Moles, warts, scars, and cherry angiomas (tiny, painless, bright red spots that often appear on the trunk of the body as people age) are common skin complaints, causing people to try various methods to resolve the issues. Most people don’t realize they could address these skin ailments safely and naturally by using the time-tested healthcare system called homeopathy.

Many people think the definition of “homeopathy” is “anything natural,” such as vitamin or herbal supplements. However, Dr. Frank King, the president of King Bio, explains that homeopathy means something very specific – and different.

“Homeopathy,” King says, “means ‘similar suffering,’ and is a 200-year-old science that has proven itself worldwide as a safe and effective means of resolving health issues. Recognized and regulated in the U.S. by the FDA, homeopathic medicine is formulated from natural substances, and then ultra-diluted and potentized, using a specific homeopathic procedure. The result is an inexpensive medicine that helps the body overcome the health imbalance safely.”

The premise of homeopathic medicine is that if a substance can cause a particular set of symptoms in a healthy person, then that same substance can cure those symptoms after it is transformed into a nontoxic homeopathic dose.

King Bio’s new topical formulas each contain multiple Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) ingredients. Some of the remedies known for helping these skin issues are:

·         Phosphoricum acidum (phosphoric acid) – blood boils

·         Graphites (lead) – moles

·         Calcarea phosphorica (phosphate of lime) – scars

·         Dulcamara (bittersweet) – facial warts

“Homeopathic ingredients are written in Latin for exact identification worldwide,” King notes. “The gentle but powerful medicine safely stimulates the body to heal. The pharmacological ‘law of similars,’ upon which homeopathy is based, is the same principle employed in conventional medicine with allergens used in allergy shots and viruses in vaccines. However, homeopathic medicine has none of the negative side effects we have come to expect from conventional medicines.”

For example, some of the conventional methods used to eliminate warts include having a doctor burn or freeze them off. This can be expensive, resulting in localized discomfort, and the warts often return after treatment. Over-the-counter (OTC) options may include adhesive pads, liquids that may turn the wart into a large white blob, and instructions to “sand” the white blob off, little by little.

In addition, OTC products for warts generally warn consumers against usage if they have poor circulation or diabetes.

“Homeopathy has the unique distinction,” says King, “of a remarkable track record of safety. During more than 200 years of use worldwide, homeopathy has shown: no known negative side effects, no contraindications and no age restrictions." 

King founded his company, King Bio (, 25 years ago in Asheville, N.C. He explains that since the FDA considers homeopathic medicines to be pharmaceutical drug products, not nutritional supplements, homeopathic medicine is legally permitted to make health claims on the label, whereas supplements cannot.

Misinformed critics of homeopathy believe the science has no clinical trials behind it. In fact, hundreds of modern clinical studies on homeopathy exist. In France, 25,000 physicians prescribe homeopathic medicine for their patients, and 70 percent of all French physicians are receptive to it and consider it effective. Approximately 100 million Europeans use homeopathy, and the Swiss government recently approved it for their national healthcare coverage after conducting a multi-year meta-study on homeopathy.

Having formulated more than 500 homeopathic products across six of King Bio’s own brands, as well as for many contract manufacturing clients representing other well-known brands, King is dedicated to empowering people to improve their health with nontoxic medicine.

“Safe medicine is smart medicine,” says King with a smile.


Tags: cherry angioma, cherry angiomas, mole, moles, natural, natural healing, natural health, natural medicine, natural skin care, scar, scars, warts

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About King Bio

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King Bio is a homeopathic pharmaceutical and private label manufacturer established by Dr. Frank King in 1989. The company mission is to create safe, natural medicines without negative side effects to enhance the health of people and pets.

King Bio
3 Westside Drive
Asheville, NC 28806
United States