More Than a Tree Grows in Brooklyn: Teich Garden Systems Completes Garden System at PS 321 in Brooklyn, New York
Online, June 2, 2010 ( - South Salem, NY -- Teich Garden Systems LLC announced today the completion of a new garden system at PS 321 in Brooklyn, New York. This is the first full garden system TGS has installed in the New York City Public School system. TGS has previously supplied rolling garden beds to 9 NYC public schools as part of Out2Play's school yard renovation program. The PS 321 garden was built directly on blacktop in the school yard.
For their first crop, students planted a variety of vegetables including some started from seed in their classrooms. Patty Intrator, a parent spearheading the garden project, said "We are excited about giving our students the opportunity to learn in such a hands-on way. It will be a wonderful enhancement to the curriculum for years to come. We are so grateful to the teachers, principal and parents who worked together to make this garden a reality. The students can't wait until this Friday when it will be announced which garden name won the school-wide election. I can only imagine how proud they will be when their fresh homemade salsa will be shared with the school community at the back-to-school potluck supper in September."
Yana Wagg, another parent leading the project, added "In the few days that the garden has been open, the children have been thrilled to plant and water the seeds and seedlings. The children are so proud to talk about their garden and are actually disappointed when it rains because they don't need to water! It is really a wonderful community building activity; more than a dozen families are signed up to water and harvest the garden over the summer. They plan to bring a portion of the harvest to a local soup kitchen."
Mark Teich, founder of TGS, noted, "We are proud to have brought our 'Classroom in Every Garden' to the students at PS 321. It shows how flexible our systems can be - we turned an urban school yard into a working garden that will provide a platform for learning about healthy food and teaching valuable lessons about sustainable lifestyles."
Tags: educational gardens, Gardening, Health, Nutrition, raised bed gardens, school gardens