Morgan Technical Ceramics' Insulation Wool Delivers High Performance With Less Mass

Superwool Plus, is 10-20% more energy efficient than traditional Refractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) and any other Alkaline Earth Silicate (AES) insulations. Superwool Plus enables users to increase manufacturing process efficiencies and make significant

Superwool® Plus, the latest high temperature insulation wool from Morgan Thermal Ceramics, is 17% more energy efficient than traditional Refractory Ceramic Fiber (RCF) and any other Alkaline Earth Silicate (AES) insulations. Superwool Plus is ideal for furnace linings in the iron and steel and aluminium industries as well as all applications where high temperature processing is a requirement. This enables users to increase manufacturing process efficiencies and make significant cost savings associated with energy usage.

It provides excellent insulation in high temperature environments with a classification temperature of 1200°C (2,192°F). A breakthrough in the company's advanced manufacturing control has allowed the product to be engineered to maximize the fiber content and as a result, it has significantly lower thermal conductivity - up to 20% lower than competitive insulations - and enhanced energy saving properties with much improved handleability.

Superwool Plus delivers high performance with less mass and blanket thickness than alternative products. Consequently, users can use less insulation and can make weight and cost savings. Customers can now use a thinner insulation blanket, such as the Superwool Plus 96 kg/m3, to provide the same insulation as a typical 128 kg/m3 blanket.

The insulation fiber blanket has high tensile strength with good handling ability. As such, it does not tear easily and is simple to install.

Superwool Plus is a low bio-persistent fiber insulation and is exonerated from the carcinogen classification in the European Union under the terms of Nota Q of Directive 67/548/EEC. It is available in blanket, modules, pyro® modules, paper and bulk (chopped & unchopped). Felt, vacuum formed products, and board varieties are in development and are expected to be available in early 2011.

"Industries are under increased pressure to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions," says Ron Wainwright, technical director, Morgan Thermal Ceramics. "In addition, the European Chemicals Agency has recently placed RCF on Annex XV of the REACH regulation, which means it is classified as a substance of very high concern, likely to be either carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction, or persistent and bioaccumulative.

"In the light of this, Morgan Thermal Ceramics is committed to providing a new range of products to replace RCF, which offer more value and satisfy the needs of the future. The Superwool Plus range is an ideal alternative to RCF, helping customers to increase energy efficiencies throughout their plants."

Superwool Plus is the latest addition to the world-renowned Morgan Thermal Ceramics Superwool® brand and is ideal for many applications including duct and chimney insulation, process heater linings, pipe wrap and automotive exhaust heat shields.


Tags: Insulation, MTC, Superwool Plus

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