Morris' to Offer Tele-Seminar on Managing Personal Finances and Credit For the 21st Century
Online, February 21, 2010 ( - Morlino Morris, author of A Prescription For Financial Health said, "There's still a lot going on with the economy and people need to know how to protect themselves. A colleague said she feels lenders and creditors are having their way with us and there's nothing we can do about it."
"People are feeling frustrated. They speak their frustrations at our personal finance seminars and small business training workshops. One attendee said he believed having a 700 credit score was pretty good, but now, he's not sure anymore," said Lathea Morris.
"There's one thing we know for sure, people can do something about their situation. They just need the right kind of personal finance and credit information that will help make a difference in their financial lives," said Morlino.
Since the response and feedback was so tremendous to their January tele-seminar, Time For a New Financial Game Plan, the Morris' have decided to repeat it.
People from across the country via their telephone can join Lathea & Morlino Morris, founders of The Credit Alternative Group, formerly, "Smart Credit Moves" financial columnists for the Herald News NJ, creators of The Complete Credit Management Toolkit 3.0 and national speakers as they present in an easy to follow format Time For a New Financial Game Plan. Also, you will have the option to follow along with an online presentation. Registrants will receive the e-book A Prescription For Financial Health and an MP3 of the presentation - all for Free.
Register now for this one hour tele-seminar to be held on Thursday, February 25th.
For the afternoon presentation - 2:00 - 3:00 PM EST register here:
For the evening presentation - 6:30 pm - 7:30 PM EST register here:
Get a discount when you register now. Use discount code pf2010.
Tags: credit, credit cards, credit score, personal finance, personal finance webinar, teleseminar