Motivational Speaker Inspired by Parkinson's Coming to Toronto

World Parkinson’s Program (“WPP”) is hosting its Parkinson’s Gala dinner on Friday, April 29 in Toronto. This year, our keynote speaker is an inspirational and motivational guest: John Baumann. Mr. Baumann is a former corporate attorney who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in his late 30s. He will be sharing his moving story with the audience.  

In attendance we will also have local politicians, including Mr. Saun Chan. A large number of Parkinson’s patients, caregivers and other members of Parkinson’s and healthcare community will also be attending this event.

Social events like World Parkinson's Program's Gala serve as a platform for patients to share their personal experiences with each other about this progressive neurological condition.

Armand Gilks, Chair of the World Parkinson's Program

The Chair of WPP, Armand Gilks says this Gala will help raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease. Gilks further elaborates, “Social events like World Parkinson’s Program‘s Gala serve as a platform for patients to share their personal experiences with each other about this progressive neurological condition”.

Tariq Suleman, Events Manager of WPP states the agenda for the night consists of motivational speeches and lectures related to Parkinson’s disease along with social activities and entertainment for the audience to enjoy their Friday evening.

WPP’s Gala Dinner will be held in Toronto (Scarborough) at 430 Nugget Ave on Friday, April 29 from 6:30 p.m. WPP is a Canadian based non-profit organization, which was founded in 2008 by a senior Canadian Parkinson’s expert, Dr. A. Q. Rana. WPP currently has several chapters around the world and aims to improving the lives of those affected with Parkinson's. 

Peter Kusiak
​Tel: 6479878053
​Email: [email protected]
​World Parkinson's Program


Tags: Neurology, Parkinson's Disease, World Parkinson's Program