Mount Vernon Launches Groundbreaking Smartglasses Augmented Reality Tour

First US President's Estate Gets First Major US Deployment by Wearable AR Pioneer ARtGlass

Mount Vernon Augmented Reality Tour

​Mount Vernon today became the world's first historic site of its scale to integrate augmented reality tours on smartglasses into its standard visitor offerings. The "Mount Vernon in AR" tour invites guests to enjoy lesser-known stories of the first president's estate revealed by immersive 3D imagery layered over their view of the real landscape. Holograms of George and Martha Washington, 360-degree recreations of former buildings and gardens, and images of artifacts placed in their original context, are among the many tools used in the one-of-a-kind storytelling.

"The augmented reality tour enables us to do things we cannot do every day: show primary sources next to places and objects, do large-scale reenactments of key events, and take guests back through time to show them what Mount Vernon looked like throughout Washington's entire lifetime," said Mount Vernon's vice president of new media, Matt Briney.

The augmented reality tour enables us to do things we cannot do every day: show primary sources next to places and objects, do large-scale reenactments of key events, and take guests back through time to show them what Mount Vernon looked like throughout Washington's entire lifetime.

Matt Briney, Mount Vernon's Vice President of New Media

The tour begins in the Ford Orientation Center, where the first U.S. president, who loved the emerging technologies of his time, invites visitors to tour the modern landscape of his beloved home enhanced by "augmented reality inside your spectacles." At stops throughout the estate, guests see and hear moments from the lives of Mount Vernon's residents come to life, such as young Washington playing an 18th-century lawn game or George, the enslaved gardener, describing the role of the greenhouse.

While guests overlook the Potomac River, they will learn little-known facts about the estate's fishing operation and see the HMS Savage anchoring threateningly offshore during the Revolutionary War. AR magic shows the deterioration of the estate as it passed from owner to owner until the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association saved it from ruin.

Mount Vernon staff wrote and produced original content for the tour, which uses the technology platform developed by ARtGlass. ARtGlass is the first company in the world to bring wearable augmented reality at scale to the arts and cultural sector. Their technology has been used by over 700,000 visitors at iconic museums and archaeological sites in Europe and earlier this year the company announced its expansion to North America with Mount Vernon as one of its flagship U.S. sites.

"ARtGlass is passionate about cultural storytelling with technological innovation and is excited to partner with forward-thinking sites like Mount Vernon to create new and memorable experiences for their guests," said ARtGlass CEO and Founder, Greg Werkheiser.

A preview of the tour is now available to all visitors for $12.50 in addition to general admission. A formal public launch of the AR tour will occur on the celebration of George Washington's birthday on February 22, 2019. This experience is weather dependent.

Media Contact:
Greg Werkheiser
Phone: 703.408.2002
Email: [email protected]

Source: George Washington's Mount Vernon


Tags: ARtGlass, Augmented Reality, Historic Sites, Mount Vernon, Museums, Smartglasses, Wearables

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ARtGlass is the world's first company to bring augmented reality experiences on smartglasses to museums, historic, and cultural sites globally.