Mountain Crafted Coffee: So Organically Produced That It Might Change the Coffee Industry Forever
Oakland, CA, May 10, 2016 ( - The best coffee you'll ever taste was carefully grown, recently picked, promptly prepped, and roasted at the farm. Short of taking your coffee on the mountains, there will always be a trade-off. Of all the alternative to produce the coffee you enjoy so much, farmers cooperatives offer the best and most natural path to amazing coffees. And when we say amazing, we are not just referring to taste and aromas, it is also about how coffee makes you feel.
Carlos E. Hernandez, president and founder of The Coffee Bodega, fervidly believe that coffees should be roasted at origin by the grower, in order to guarantee the best possible quality, and nobody does it better than small farmers cooperatives. He is committed to let everyone know and maybe forever change the coffee industry for the better.
A Better Cup of Coffee
For many decades we've been let to believe that the best coffee is freshly roasted. It's in the interest of roasters to say that ultra fresh is the secret to good coffee, but it is not. A study from the Texas A&M Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agricultural found that overwhelming the factors that determine coffee quality are at origin.
Coffee quality is very much dependent on variables like altitude, soil quality, sunshine, rainfall, etc, but it's much more than that, factors like time from pick to processing, and fermentation process and duration by far a bigger impact on coffee quality than anything else, and yes that includes roasting and brewing.
Mishandling atthese early stages of the coffee custody chain lead to very poor coffee. For each hour that passes after 3 hours of picking, coffee loses almost a point in the Specialty Coffee Association of America ( SCAA) quality scales, rendering an specialty grade (excellent) coffee to a commercial grade (supermarket) coffee in just hours, and losing up to 75% of its value.
Improper fermentation or just not enough fermentation impacts coffee almost in the same way as described above; coffee can lose up to 5 points in the SCAA quality scale by not following an effective process, thus degrading an specialty grade coffee to gourmet grade and losing up to 30% of its value.
Improving the Coffee Custody Chain
Coffee farmers cooperatives by pooling resources, know-how and community strength are able to manage coffee more efficiently and yet preserve their artisan character. Because coffee quality is preserved when the farmer manages the whole process, this makes high quality coffees (Specialty and Gourmet) more abundant. All this adds up to better coffees at lower prices for consumers and more income for farmers.
At The Coffee Bodega they are confident that their Mountain Crafted Coffee™ are a game changer. Because these coffees are beyond fair trade, sustainable and exceptional specialty coffees, they offer increased value to consumers and will connect with them at multiple levels.
To learn more visit their Kickstarter campaign
Source: The Coffee Bodega
Tags: Beyond Fair Trade, Socially Responsible, Specialty Coffee