Mozzarella Di Bufala VS Mozzarella Cheese
Online, January 24, 2011 ( - Buffalo Mozzarella is among the many fresh mozzarella cheeses available to choose from in the cheese section of your favorite market. The priciest, the richest, and the most regarded among all is the Buffalo Mozzarella or Mozzarella di Bufala in Italian. Mozzarella di Bufala is a particular cheese made from buffalo milk.
Buffalos have a digestive system that process low grade vegetation into rich milk with high percentage of solids and high level of protein fat and minerals.
In terms of productivity 5 kg. (11 lbs) of buffalo milk are needed to produce 1 kg. (2.2 lbs) of cheese versus 8 kg. (17.6 lbs) of cow's milk.
Not only are these higher yields appreciated by the cheese manufacturers but by the consumers as well, who enjoy the richness of the flavors and nutritious value in this exceptional meal.
The "Mozzarella di Bufala Campana" is protected by the trademark granted by the "Consortium for the protection of the buffalo cheese of Campania" which operates under Italian law.
How to tell a true Mozzarella di Bufala?
Label: The cheese must be sealed and packaged at the manufacturing plant, with DOP seal
Packaging: Each package must report the DOP logo, the state law parameters (DPCM 10/5/93), the local law parameters (Reg. CE n. 11/07/96) and the authorization number to the cheese plant (Aut.# Consortium Tutela ****/**/****)
Notes of interest:
• If the product is offered in a bag with a knot, the seal of the DOP must be on top of the knot.
• When added olive oil or olives the cheese is not certified DOP
• Packages displaying the words "Mozzarella + brand name + di latte di bufala", may contain mozzarella balls made of 100% buffalo milk, however are not certified.
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