Mr. B.'s Joybox Express to Traverse Across Michigan
Online, June 23, 2010 ( - Renown Musicians Bicycle Across Lower Peninsula with Instruments in Tow
Ann Arbor, Mich., DATE, 2010 - Mark Braun, better known as Mr. B., boogie woogie and blues pianist of note, announced he will be launching the second annual Joybox Express tour which will start in Saugatuck, Mich. on July 2nd and end in Detroit on July 14.
Concerts will take place in various locations throughout the state that will support local charities.
The Joybox Express is a tricycle that is designed to hold Braun's 352 pound acoustic piano, which he will pull across the state for 300 miles. Joybox is an early American term for the piano.
Joining Braun on the second annual Joybox Express include Pete Siers, who will be playing a specially designed drum set using a suitcase as a bass drum; Brian Delaney, playing an electric, solar-powered guitar and Carl Hildebrandt, who will pull his string bass on a trailer behind his bike.
"Bringing joy to people through music has always been extremely satisfying," said Mark "Mr. B." Braun. "Using the Joybox Express as a vehicle to deliver this music - with the help of three tremendously talented musicians - is the culmination of a personal goal. The fact that local nonprofits are the beneficiaries of our efforts helps keep us pedaling!"
The tour kicks off Friday July 2 with a concert at noon in Saugatuck. Next stops are Holland on Saturday, July 3, Monday, July 5 in Grand Rapids, July 7-9 in Lansing, Saturday, July 10 in Howell, Sunday July 11 in Chelsea and Ann Arbor, Monday July 12 in Ypsilanti and concluding with concerts in Detroit on July 13 and 14.
Local residents are encouraged to attend the concerts and bicyclers are welcome to accompany the musicians as they travel westward across the state. The Joybox Express is designed so that two bicycles can attach to the vehicle, helping Braun move his 352 pound piano.
Please go to for additional details or contact us at 734.255.6466.
Tags: arts, music, nonprofits