Mr. Hunter Presents HunterFest

All independent musicians are looking for their big break, few find take the steps that Mr. Hunter Band creator Chris Marcus did in creating his own music festival, HunterFest!

New York City's Central Park, played host to HunterFest 2010, an independent music festival put together by indie musician and band leader, Chris Marcus. HunterFest featured performances by some of New York Cities hottest independent entertainers: Lucas Cane Hall, Cryptic Skin, and of course Mr. Hunter. Festival creator Chris Marcus had a chance to sit down for an interview and answer questions about the festival.

1. What inspired HunterFest?
It was a dream I had a few years ago. I just never gave up on it.

2. What acts performed and the artist?
Lucas Cane Hall, Cryptic Skin, and Mr. Hunter!

3. How where the acts chosen?
I wanted to find some other music that would provide a nice balance and energy. There were a lot of people who wanted to participate and I think we made some good choices.

4. What was the reason for the mix of art and music?

When we finally secured the site I knew I didn't want to just show up and play. It's really a dream come true to be able to play in Central Park and I thought it should be a festival. I looked for creative people who enjoyed being part of nature, music, soul, and love. We actually got a lot of creative responses and beautiful art.

5. Is HunterFest 2011 being planned?
Of course. And I'm glad to see you already can't wait! I feel the same way.

6. Where you pleased show?
Yes, and I'm extremely proud to have been involved with the event.

7. What were the struggles of putting together and event such as this?
Like always there were a few snags, but we worked hard and found ways to overcome them and that always feels good. There were a lot of great people working together to make it happen.

8. What did you learn from this experience?

That anything is possible. In terms of logistics the experience was really helpful. Fortunately there was a lot of prep work and it paid off as we really didn't have many big problems. I think the experiences of having done this will be helpful going forward and allow for even bigger ideas next time.

9. What are three adjectives you would use to describe the festival?

10. What is the next step for Mr. Hunter?
Play more music. It's what we do! We'll be at the Bohemian Beer Garden in Astoria in August 21 at 3:00 PM. It's a Saturday and another free outdoor space. So if you like either beer, large amounts of food, music or any combination of those then come join us.

11. What did you think of the other acts and artists?
I thought everyone combined to make the day perfect.

12. Is there anything or part of the festival that stood out to you?

Well it was pretty hot and I was lifting a lot of heavy stuff, so when I had that lime ice bar that was pretty amazing.

13. What was your favorite part of HunterFest?
Playing to the sunset.

14. What was your least favorite part of HunterFest?
Watching the weather report all week and trying to decide why accuweather had a personal vendetta against me.

15. What will you do differently if and when you do this again?
I like these questions! It sounds like you're already marking days off on your calendar! Next year when we do this again there will be new things that haven't even been dreamed of yet. A permit and a creative mind are a powerful combination.

16. Any words of inspiration for other artist who might want to take on an endeavor such as this?
Play music every chance you get. Play every place you can. Play with every person you can. Play with people who are better than you. Play with people who you are more advanced then. You will learn from all of them. Find your voice and create music. When you you do that creating a special part to express it will be the easy part.


Tags: HunterFest, independent music, Mr. Hunter, music, New York City

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