MRO Software Can Speed Up the Hybrid Energy Boom

CloudVisit's Renewable Energy Software Solution for Maintenance, Repair and Operation
CloudVisit Energy Software

Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) software company CloudVisit has a renewable energy software solution for the growing demand for clean energy. Since 2010, the cost of solar power has plunged 78 percent for utility-scale projects and the cost of wind power has decreased almost a quarter. As renewable energy becomes more cost-efficient, the demand for it has increased, which has resulted in a boom in wind and solar hybrid energy which combines these stand-alone systems. By 2024, the hybrid power market is expected to exceed $60 billion, according to a study by Global Market Insights Inc., a market research and consulting firm. Energy software can provide a simple solution to this growing demand. CloudVisit’s MRO software enables industry experts with remote inspection tools. Using these tools, experts can remotely accept inspections of hybrid systems’ installation and MRO processes, enabling the hybrid energy industry to expand quicker.

“CloudVisit’s industry-specific MRO software can be used to inspect both wind and solar power individually or as a combined hybrid system,” explained CEO and founder Daniel Gilbert. Hybrid systems generate a steadier output of power than either wind or solar when used alone, yet there are still drawbacks to hybrid power and CloudVisit’s MRO software can help overcome these drawbacks. Hybrid farms are in remote locations and often exposed to harsh environmental conditions. This means that once installed, the farms require ongoing maintenance, repair and operations and inspectors need to travel to these isolated sites. The consistent demand of inspectors to travel to distant sites can cause unnecessary delays in both the installation and MRO processes of hybrid farms.

MRO Software Enables Remote Inspection of Distant Sites

CloudVisit’s MRO software empowers inspectors to remotely view and approve inspections from the office so they do not have to spend time traveling to these remote locations. Remote inspections cut down on travel time and enable on-site technicians to manage their time effectively.

Since on-site technicians can request to conference with inspectors, the utilization of remote inspections means the availability of inspectors increases. With an increased availability of inspectors, maintenance problems can be quickly identified and resolved.

CloudVisit’s Remote Inspections Can Improve Safety and Quality of Inspections

MRO software combines multiple-participant video conferencing with a workflow management system so every procedure is completed up to standard. Video and audio recordings, as well as images and chats, are securely stored in the cloud and serve as proof of a completed project. No inspection can be approved without documentation and signoff that each step has been completed. This documentation validates that the hybrid wind farm is safe to use.

Software Solutions to Improve Renewable Energy Output

The expansion of hybrid energy demands a solution, which can be used by both wind and solar infrastructure to decrease the time needed to install and maintain farms. MRO software can do just that. “CloudVisit’s MRO software can create a transformative increase in the use of renewable energy - and quickly,” urged Gilbert.

CloudVisit MRO software provides industry-specific remote inspections. This software enables experts to inspect projects from their office and can lead to reduced travel time as well as overtime paid to on-site workers waiting for the inspectors to arrive. CloudVisit serves many industries and offers construction software, aviation software, maritime software, transportation software and telemedicine software, and is expanding. The company is backed by 15 years of success in software programming, video conferencing, telemedicine and telecommunications with a proven record of excellence, efficiency, customer satisfaction and security. For questions about our quality control and inspection software or to request a no-obligation demo, call 845-809-5770.


CloudVisit Inc.
Daniel Gilbert
CEO, President and Founder
3182 Route 9, Suite 107A
Cold Spring, New York, 10516

Source: CloudVisit


Tags: Alternative Energy, Hybrid Energy, Hybrid System, Remote Inspections, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar Panel Inspection, Wind Energy, Wind Turbine Inspection, Wind-Solar Hybrid Energy

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CloudVisit is a custom video conference application that maximizes the efficiency of inspection and quality control process by allowing inspectors to virtually approve completed work on distant job sites without ever leaving their office