Mrs. Valerie Trierweiler : Merci Pour Ce Moment : A Book Of Significance

Merci Pour Ce Moment : Mrs. Trierweiler's book reporting on her life with French President François Hollande.

Mrs. Trierweiler’s book is well-written. On this level, this book has reached its goal, most of the time, Mrs. Trierweiler succeeds in keeping the reader’s interest and attention alive up to the very last line of the book. One recognizes the journalist that Mrs. Trierweiler is, a woman fond of literature.

Mrs. Trierweiler is also a woman graced with a sharp memory as well, and with no doubt, the remembrances of the shortcomings and difficulties of French writer and polemist Jean-Edern Hallier, who wanted to published a book that French President of the time, François Mitterrand, opposed, could explain the prudence, the silence and surprise that accompanied the publication of MERCI POUR CE MOMENT.

"Mrs. Trierweiler, MERCI POUR CE MOMENT, a book of significance in the wall of the edifice of democracy."

Teddy Crispin, Editorialist

It is to guess, like for Frédéric Mitterrand’s book: LA MAUVAISE VIE, or François Mitterrand’s, thanks to Pierre Péan’s book : UNE JEUNESSE FRANCAISE,  that Mrs. Trierweiler’s motivations to release MERCI POUR CE MOMENT, was her strong will to be the master of her own biography, life and destiny, with the same will to let the world know her own version of the story.  

One can bow down before her courage, courage that is so necessary to democracy, and specially in France where the forbiddings of humoristic shows of polemists have taken place, but is it, in a democracy, to the State to decide in lieu and place of the citizen, what is good for the citizen, in his private life and his leisure time. Such an intrusion of the State, in the private life of the citizen, reminds of the times of Pierre Péan’s book: UNE JEUNESSE FRANCAISE.

Another achievement of this book is to make Mrs. Trierweiler a more human person, a woman whose beauty, presented as cold by the media, had been received by some of the French opinion as an expression of arrogance. A Mrs. Trierweiler in the league of Cleopatra or Marie Antoinette. Perhaps, thanks to her book, MERCI POUR CE MOMENT, Mrs. Trierweiler wanted to distance herself from this negative image set in the souls and minds of some of her  French fellows.

In a time when our leaders are eager, thanks to numerous tools: NSA…, to get to know the most of their citizens, isn’t it fair as well that the people have also a right to get to know better the people who govern them.

Mrs. Trierweiler, MERCI POUR CE MOMENT, a book of significance in the wall of the edifice of democracy.

©2014 Teddy Crispin   


Tags: Book, France, François Hollande, Merci Pour Ce Moment, Politics, Society, Valerie Trierweiler

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One day, I was at the Messe Frankfurt in Germany, where the world's entrepreneurs meet every year, and I had this revelation, why not reporting about these fairs and congresses, with my own unique style and freedom to report what I saw.

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