MSPs Improve Customer Service with ConnectWise Integration

Reputada's integration allows MSPs to introduce feedback loops at every customer touchpoint.

Reputada, the leading customer-feedback platform for the business services industry, today announced it has integrated its feedback platform into the ConnectWise ecosystem.  The integration allows MSPs to introduce feedback loops at every customer touchpoint across the entire customer lifecycle.

Managed service business relationships are long term; however, losing clients unexpectedly has dramatic impacts on a firm’s bottom line.  Studies show strong customer relationships can deliver a 23% premium in profitability, and MSPs who are strategic about client satisfaction (CSAT) gain visibility to CSAT across the client portfolio, improve MRR, reduce client churn, and increase business transparency. 

The challenge after a support issue is to understand the level of customer satisfaction.

Adarsh Arora, CEO

“Our customers have been asking us to integrate with ConnectWise so they can get feedback from support situations.  The challenge after a support issue is closed is to understand customer satisfaction level.  Building these insights early on allows MSPs to better manage client relations and avert business impacting events like losing important clients over something as simple a personality mismatch to a field tech,” says Reputada’s CEO Adarsh Arora.

Reputada makes it easy for business services firms to leverage the business value of customer feedback.  Our multi-touch capabilities enable MSPs to integrate feedback-loops into any customer facing business process.  Automated personalization increases response rates compared to surveys.  Reputada enables MSPs to execute their customer-first initiatives to improve their bottom line.

About Reputada, Inc.

At Reputada, we understand the importance of ongoing and actionable feedback and have created Reputada to enable business services companies to leverage the business value of customer feedback. 

Reputada is available as SaaS with subscriptions starting at $30.00 / month for 10 users with discounts for annual commitments.  More information, including access to extended trials, is available at:


Information and Support
[email protected]

Source: Reputada, Inc.


Tags: b2b, connectwise, customer experience, customer satisfaction, feedback, MSP

About Reputada

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At Reputada, we understand the importance of ongoing and actionable feedback and have created Reputada to enable business services companies to leverage the business value of customer feedback.

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