Multi Passionate Resume Writing Guide Launched

For effective resume writing, Kirsten Simmons has come up with a multi passionate resume writing guide to help people in this economic declining situation.

After sensing a dire need for a writing manual for multi passionate people, Kirsten Simmons after much research, experience and observation, has come up with a resume writing guide, especially for multi passionate people. Considering the situation of recession, she has come up with such an idea.

Though the global economic meltdown is clearing out, people are still not getting enough job opportunities as the after effects are yet to be cleared. Thus, it is getting difficult for career oriented people to settle down to a career of their choice. The problem is that the interviewers, many a times hardly get convinced by their resumes. Hence, to bridge the gap, Kirsten Simmons has launched resume writing manual for multi passionate.

A multiple passionate herself, she knows and understands the difficulties and problems that multi passionate people frequently face. The manual basically offers an approach into professional resume writing that not only helps in categorizing and correcting mistakes in a CV, but it also addresses the issue of responding a question based on something written in your resume.

This manual provides with useful professional resume writing tips as well as dos and don'ts of a good resume. The manual highlights the entire process of resume writing. Kirsten Simmons considers that a resume needs to be built very deliberately and be modified as per the needs of the potential employer.

This manual deals with those issues that multi passionate people face while making a career shift. It is so as mainly the interview is based on the what and how one has mentioned the information in his CV.

The resume chiefly focuses on following issues:

• How to select your targets
• How to highlight tangential experience
• How to identify and emphasize broad, transferrable skills
• How to establish your creativity
• How to prove your ability to learn
• How to demonstrate your problem solving skills
• How to customize to your future employer
• How to show your enthusiasm

For more such details, stay in touch with us on


Tags: and resume writing tips, Resume Format, resume-writing

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