Music Success Coach offers free SXSW seminar

Music Success Coach Angela Carter will offer a free teleseminar to musicians and music business owners attending the South by Southwest Music Festival in Austin, Texas. The teleseminar will help musicians create a memorable networking pitch for SXSW

On Thursday, March 18, 2010, Music Success Coach and Music Marketing Strategist Angela Carter will be hosting a free teleseminar to help musicians attending SXSW create a powerful and memorable networking pitch. The teleseminar will help musicians and music business owners create a personal networking plan that can be used immediately at SXSW to maximize their time and networking opportunities at the music festival. The teleseminar promises to give musicians networking tips and techniques to increase their networking opportunities and build contacts at SXSW.

Musicians and music business owners who are attending the SXSW Music Festival can join Ms. Carter on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 12pm Central Standard Time (CST) for the free 60-minute teleseminar, "SXSW 2010 Networking Teleseminar". Attendees will learn: the biggest mistake that musicians make at SXSW; how to create a powerful and memorable networking pitch, and networking tips to promote and market their music or music business at SXSW. Additional information about Ms. Carter and the free teleseminar is available at the following location:

Ms. Carter is a Music Marketing Strategist and Music Success Coach. Ms. Carter is also a music attorney in Texas. She is the host of the Music Success Radio show, a radio show providing musicians with practical tips and strategies on how to market, promote, and distribute their music.


Tags: austin music festival, Music Marketing, music success, music success coach, south by southwest, south by southwest music festiva, sxsw, sxsw 2010

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Angela Carter
Press Contact, Music Success Coach
Music Success Coach
Stonehollow Drive
Austin, TX 78758