with over 20 years experience, HD Concepts brings you "The future of online music promotion".

Combining viral, web 2.0 marketing with aggressive gorilla marketing, Music Promotion 4 U evens the playing field for the Independent Artist. Affordable, practical music promotion & online marketing strategies indie musicians can sink their teeth int

HD Concepts launches,, a service based company that, is empowering the independent artists or record label to compete with the major corporations for the consumers attention. helps and teaches indie artists find and target their specific demographic. Marketing their music using the latest in web 2.0 marketing strategies. Not only does this music promotion company do the leg work, also teaches the indie artist how to market themselves. Learning viral marketing, gorilla marketing and how to sell music from the stage is fundamental for repeated success.

Started by a struggling musician, sick of pouring money into internet companies promising everything under the sun, then doing next to nothing, Darian Pellman decided to start his own company with the motto: "We do what we say". Building life long business relationships is only attainable by honesty and hard work; has both.

With hundreds of thousands of struggling musicians waiting for the "big break", Music Promotion 4 U lays it out to let them know the opportunity to be heard and make a living from their music is right under their nose; the internet. Visit


Tags: distribution, free marketing, free promotion, independent music promotion, independent musicians, marketing, Music Marketing, music promotion, music promotion packages, promotion, Radio Stations, Service, social network marketing, submission, Viral Marketing

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Darian Pellman
Press Contact, Music Promotion 4 U
Music Promotion 4 U
5802 Glenview Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45224