Muslim Doll Named After Ponn Sabra, Author of American Muslim Mom Blog Names Signature Muslim Doll "Little Ponn" after blogger Ponn Sabra. The doll can be found on American Muslim Mom site and at

Ft. Wayne, IN - Thursday, June 02, 2011 -- It took a year of searching for the perfect name for their Muslim doll, but the owner of Muslim Toys And Dolls finally found it. They decided to name their signature Soft Muslim Doll "Little Ponn." The idea came after an interview with Ponn Sabra, who founded the popular Muslim blog, American Muslim Mom.

Debbie Al-Harbi who owns designed, manufactured, and sells the one-of-a-kind soft, Muslim doll. Debbie Al-Harbi was a recent guest on the American Muslim Mom Podcast ( ), hosted by Ponn. In the interview Al-Harbi learned that Ponn and her daughters nicknamed the doll "Little Ponn," because they thought it resembled her. The doll has yellowish skin, a button nose, and round face.

Al-Harbi said she wanted the doll to represent the majority of Muslims in the world--those of Asian descent (and similar to Muslim Toys and Dolls' logo). The name Ponn represents the diversity in the faith. Ponn means "God's Gift" in Thai and is synonymous to the name Heba in Arabic, a popular Muslim name. Her father who is Thai Buddhist, gave her the name Ponn.

"There is a common misconception that Muslims are all Arabs," notes Al-Harbi. "However, the majority of Muslims are from Indonesia and Malaysia. Also, Islam has many reverts (those who embrace Islam by choice) from all over the world. After hearing how Ponn's family nicknamed our doll "Little Ponn," we thought it was a natural fit. So that's what we named our signature soft Muslim doll."

Little Ponn Muslim Doll Features: ( )
* Two sizes: Small ($9.99) and Large ($27.99).
* Two outfits: Pink dress or Purple shirt and skirt.
* Velcro removable dresses for easy dressing made for little figures.
* Removable hijab (head veil)

Ponn Sabra states, "It's an honor to have a Muslim doll named after me. Having traveled in many Muslim countries, I've never seem such an adorable, lovable and hug-able doll. It is made with quality craftsmanship. I think every Muslim girl (young and old) should have one."

About Ponn Sabra and American Muslim Mom:
Ponn Sabra is a highly-prolific public health official-turned-best-selling author, internet marketer, and columnist. She has been featured in the Associated Press, Washington Post, Fox, ABC News and other major media outlets. was founded in 2009, after Ponn Sabra repositioned her mommy blog that she began in 2005. Today, [ ] is the #1 ranked online blog community for Muslim Moms in the world, and has worked with major brands such as CNN, Buick, Softsoap, Verizon, and Tropicana.

Featured topics include: marriage, homeschooling, green living, frugality, travel, social media, and making money online.

Press & Media Contact:
Ponn Sabra
Founder and Owner
American Muslim Mom
Ft. Wayne, IN 46815
Phone: 203-599-0305
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Tags: little ponn, muslim doll, muslim toys, ponn muslim doll, soft muslim doll

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