Mvj College Of Engineering Organised "a National Conference"

The topic of the conference was - Transformation and Survival of Business- Organizational Challenges and Opportunities. -30 Papers from all over the country and abroad were screened-

M.V.J College of Engineering's MBA Department organized a National Conference today on the topic "Transformation and Survival of Business- Organizational Challenges and Opportunities" in the Smt. Rajalakshmi Seminar Hall, MVJ College of Engineering. The Chief Guest for the National Conference was Mr. Rahul Sabnis, Group Manager, Microsoft India.

The Conference was inaugurated with a prayer song followed by the Welcome address delivered by Dr. Noor Firdoos Jahan, HOD, Department of Management Studies, MVJ College of Engineering. In her speech she emphasised that the importance of conducting the conference is to enable the academicians to be aware of the business and the importance of survival of business.

The conference began with a school of thought by Dr. K.S. Badarinarayan, Principal MVJ College of Engineering, encompassing the very theme of the conference leading an insight Business and its Transformations. The focus of the speech was on transformation process, human evolution and competition. The motive being survival of the fittest and successful growth patterns to overcome the competitive world. He emphasized on reviving strategies, he also spoke about problems to survive and problem in goal setting and managing them. His main area of focus was the need for transformation in the education sector.

The Conference reached new intellectual heights when Chief Guest, Mr. Rahul Sabnis spoke about his experiences of over 20 years in the industry. Rahul Sabnis also shared the importance of leadership, industrial experiences in organizations. He also emphasised on group management, team management, escalation management and Enterprise technical support.

The Conference was divided into two sessions - the Marketing and HR.
The HR and Finance sessions were conducted by Research Scholars and professors from various colleges who presented their presentation in the presence of the Chairperson, Dr. Thandava Murthy, Director, Koshys Institute of Management Studies for HR session and Mr. Bholanath Dutta, Senior Professor, CMRIT.

The Marketing session of the National Conference was conducted by Dr. A. Ravi, Professor, HOD, Department of Management Studies, Er. Perumal College of Engineering.

The session had discussions on various topics of which a few were - source marketing, brand positioning, rural marketing, emotional intelligence, cloud computing, network security, mergers and acquisitions, cash forecasting. With the receipt of 45 papers from all over the country and abroad, 30 papers were screened for the presentations.

Chairperson along with speakers protruded equal enthusiasm and remained an active audience. The oratory and analytical skills were clearly symbolic of the real persona in each of the chairperson presiding the parallel sessions and speakers too. Chairperson directed the enthusiastic participants to pave a long way in their careers as well. The discussions and the question and answer rounds were the highlight of the event engaging the whole audience to participate in the same. The ambience added high intellectual notes.

The successful conference was conducted by Dr. Noor Firdoos Jahan, HOD, MBA, and Convener of the Conference, Dr. Shagufta Showkat, Co-ordinator of the Conference and other faculty members of department of management studies.


Tags: Microsoft, MVJ, seminar

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