My Marketing Auditors' Scathing Review of the Digital Marketing Industry and Their Commitment to Cleaning It Up

My Marketing Auditor has made a commitment to bringing an end to the deception in the digital marketing world
My Marketing Auditors Owner / CEO

First, what exactly is a marketing audit and why is it useful? A marketing audit is a comprehensive, systematic way of reviewing your marketing plan and includes a review (or audit) of all marketing facets, including website, branding, SEO, social media, and user experience. A marketing audit is useful in ensuring that a marketing plan is implemented properly; however, for it to be effective, it must be performed by an objective and unbiased team.

Having spent years in the marketing world, Owner and CEO, Jesse Garcia M.S. started to see all the holes in the marketing industry. “I just started to notice all the ways in which digital marketing companies were taking advantage of their clients. On a daily basis, I listened to clients bemoaning the services they received from their digital marketing team. That’s when I decided to launch My Marketing Auditors. Our mission is to bring complete transparency to the marketing industry.”

A major problem in the digital marketing industry is the complete lack of accountability of marketing agencies. And unfortunately, along with a total lack of accountability comes a great deal of deception. Many digital marketing companies use a litany of misrepresentations to entice their clients into spending more money. Results are promised and rarely delivered, and the end result is thousands of dollars of a marketing budget and months wasted while the client’s business remains stagnant. Why is this?

According to My Marketing Auditors, there is essentially no barrier to entry when starting a digital marketing agency. Literally, all someone needs is a computer, a website, and a company name. It is simply too easy to start a digital marketing company and falsely portray yourself as an established marketing team. What we are essentially left with are dozens and dozens of marketing agencies popping up all over the place, and absolutely no one to regulate them.

In the end, it is the small business owner, who cannot afford to waste thousands of dollars and months of time, who is really impacted the most. That is why there is a need for marketing audit companies like My Marketing Auditors to help protect the client and to keep digital marketing companies accountable.

About My Marketing Auditors

My Marketing Auditors offer comprehensive systematic marketing audits designed to help small business owners save time and marketing money. Contact us today at to learn more.

Media Contact: 
Jesse Garcia 
Phone: 818.696.0125 
Email: [email protected]

Source: My Marketing Auditors


Tags: marketing audit, marketing auditors, website audit

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My Marketing Auditors offer independent, 3rd-party Marketing Audits for you, the business owner, to ensure that your marketing is done correctly. WE AUDIT YOUR MARKETERS FOR YOU!

My Marketing Auditors
17430 Wyandotte st
Van Nuys, CA 91406
United States