Mysteries Of Pyramids, And Our Existance On Earth

Man finally takes the journey to outer planets, and, is stunned!

Sima (party II Kyirux novel) will release on Feburary 11th 2011 on, its a sequel to the first part which tells a story of a man name Jack Crawford who discovers a 500 million year old device deep beneath the surface of earth at his construction job. The device "Kyirux", tells Jack Crawford not only the origins of life on this planet, but gives him a warning of a celestial proportions. Sima is a follow through of part 1, which ends with a strange single coming from Jupiter. You must read the first part before reading the 2nd, otherwise the story will not make sense. Sima also touches upon the mysteries of the pyramids, Annunakies, and the only language spoken by Jesus just once, at the last supper, it was known as (Aramaic language). The novel touches upon its secrets, and its codes.


Tags: alien moon base, annunaki, kaapil shrivastave, mysteries of pramids, Pyramids, secrets of annunaki, who build the pramids

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