Nadine Franz, MS, PHR, CPRW, CPCC Earns Industry Gold-Standard Resume Writing Credential

APEX Career Services stays on the cutting edge to help clients take their career to new heights.

Professional resume writer Nadine Franz is well-equipped to help job seekers in today's competitive, challenging, and ever-changing employment market. Ms. Franz of APEX Career Services /Overland Park, KS, has recently completed the Certified Professional Resume Writer program (CPRW) earning the CPRW credential, enhancing her professional expertise and contributions to the resume writing industry.

Individuals who hold the CPRW span a wide range of professionals from the career services industry and include independent and organizational resume writers, career counselors (and Social Work professionals and PhDs), military and government career transition specialists, university and college career services professionals, career coaches, outplacement professionals, human resources and organizational development professionals, staffing and workforce management professionals including one-stop centers, recruiters, executive coaches, company managers, and others who work in the careers industry from across the globe.

To earn the CPRW, Ms. Franz completed a comprehensive training/resume writing program that provided solid tools for resume writing techniques and methodologies, career management and job search strategies in today's employment market, and submitted a testing portfolio that included documented resume writing sample. Obtaining the CPRW credential, Ms. Franz has demonstrated a high level of commitment and expertise to the resume writing profession.

According to Ms. Franz, "I am passionate about helping others reach their full potential and find careers that are purposeful. To remain competitive in today's market with constantly changing job search strategies, my clients need to be armed with the most current trends and best practices in job search, career management, and proper self-promotion through targeted and well-written resumes and professional documents."

APEX Career Services assist job seekers who aspire to enhance their current career, change career paths, improve their personal branding, re-enter the workforce after a layoff or long hiatus, or start their own small business. The professionals at APEX Career Services help put clients on the right career track quickly and effectively so they can start realizing their dreams. APEX Career Services understand that no two job seekers are alike, and therefore uses a thorough and personalized approach to clients' job search management, career search, and personal branding strategies. APEX Career Services provide personalized resume writing, cover-letter writing, career coaching, interview coaching, salary negotiation techniques, career branding strategies, social media for job search consulting, LinkedIn profile writing and related services. APEX Career Services' resume writers and career coaches know inside-out what companies, recruiters, and hiring managers are looking for in today's candidates. APEX Career Services know what it takes to get candidates' resumes to the top of the pile, how to brand job seekers for career success and growth, and how to help career seekers land that interview and job. With APEX Career Services you will soon be taking your career to new heights!

The Certified Professional Resume Writer program is sponsored by the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches, the industry's longest-standing association. The CPRW program is focused on Resume Writing Techniques and Career Branding, Long-Term Career Management, The Whole Person Theory, Workforce Management, Traditional & Social Media Job Search, Interviewing, and more, continuing to set industry standards and pioneer beyond the frontiers of the known job search realm. Ms. Franz joins the high ranks of Certified Professional Resume Writers (CPRWs) from around the globe.


Tags: best resume writing service, certified professional resume wr, professional resume service

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Nadine Franz
Press Contact, APEX Career Services
APEX Career Services
P.O. Box 23741
Overland Park, KS 66283
United States