Nanotechnology Applications | New Antifouling Paint By ONEX SA

One of the newest nanotechnology applications in marine is the nanocoatings or antifouling paint, produced by ONEX SA technology solutions group of companies in Greece.

"ONEX SA" technology solutions group of companies in Greece has been involved with growing investments in the development of nanotechnology related innovative products and nanotechnology applications.

"ONEX SA" has recently been chosen as the National Champion to represent Greece at the European Business Awards organization's contest.

The latest nanotechnology products by "Glonatech SA" (ONEX' subsidiary nanotechnology company) are the carbon-polymer coatings for marine nanotechnology applications (antifouling paint).

ONEX' subsidiary "Global Nanotechnologies" (, participated in €1.54 million European Union Research Program, having the role of the coordinator and private Nanotechnology company. European Union aims, through this nanoresearch program hearing to the name of "CARBONCOMP", at solving the following major problem for the vessels: Algae.

ONEX proposed a nanotechnology enhanced solution of global leadership that the worldwide markets anticipate with eagerness.

The reason for that is the important combination of the vessels' fuel consumption decrease with environmental friendly guidelines that were adhered to.

What has attracted institutional organizations interest is the CO2 emissions and its advantages when exploring the possibilities of multinational companies and worldwide institutes working with ONEX.

Mr. Panos Xenokostas, President and CEO of "ONEX SA", "Glonatech SA" and "ONEX Technologies Inc" technology companies in NY proudly stated the following:

"Within a short time the global innovation and leadership in Material Science Solutions and Nanotechnology will be once more confirmed. This is only one of the forthcoming surprises and breakthroughs of our Technology Solutions Group's new nanotechnology products sector and we are feeling really proud of our Team".

Mr Xenokostas, the "Greek Aviator" is the living proof that no matter what the external circumstances are for a business or a country's entrepreneurial perspective, there is always a way to be discovered and make a positive difference in this world.

Author: Helen Vaiou


Tags: antifouling paint, European Business Awards, nanotechnology applications, nanotechnology companies, nanotechnology company, nanotechnology products

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ONEX SA is a B2B high end technology and integrated solutions provider for aviation, security, nanotechnology, ict and professional business administration and management services sector.

Helen Vaiou Sereleas
Helen Vaiou Sereleas
Press Contact, ONEX SA Technology Solutions Group
ONEX SA Technology Solutions Group
87, Konstantinou Palaiologou Street
Chalandri, Athens 15232