Nashville Institute for Faith & Work Opens Applications for $5,000 Innovation Grant

As part of the the Nashville Institute for Faith & Work’s (NIFW) belief that innovation is important to the flourishing of the city of Nashville, the organization is sponsoring a contest to award a $5,000 grant to an organization, group, or individual supporting and/or encouraging the innovation of others.

Innovation can be defined broadly as the action or process of transformation and/or a new method, product, or service.

At the core of the NIFW is a desire to see the city of Nashville thrive and we believe that innovation is one way that God leads us to shine light into darkness in our homes, our workplaces, and our city.

Missy Wallace, Executive Director

“Innovation in our work places, our neighborhoods, and our city is critical to the flourishing of Nashville as we experience rapid growth,” said Missy Wallace, executive director of the Nashville Institute for Faith & Work (, which is hosting the event.

“Given the abundance of innovative work already taking place in our city, we are thrilled to support those seeking to bring flourishing to the city of Nashville.”

To be considered for the grant, applicants are encouraged to fill out an application through and attach the link to a two-minute video explaining how they currently encourage the innovation of others, how they plan to use the $5,000, and who would benefit from receiving the grant.

The grant application deadline is January 4, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. CST.

“At the core of the NIFW is a desire to see the city of Nashville thrive,” said Wallace, “and we believe that innovation is one way that God leads us to shine light into darkness in our homes, our workplaces, and our city.”

A committee determined by the NIFW will judge the entries with criteria solely determined by  the committee. Applications are welcomed from individuals from any faith background. Finalists will be alerted by January 9 and their videos will be shown at the Nashville Institute for Faith & Work’s forum, “Redemption Through Innovation,” on January 12, 2017 from 5:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. at Houston Station, 434 Houston Street. The award will be given at the event. All are welcome to attend; tickets will cost $25.

The event is open to the public, and $25 tickets are available—along with full details regarding the grant—at

Source: Nashville Institute for Faith & Work


Tags: Faith, Grant, Innovation, Nashville, Tennessee

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