Nashville's Top Tech Startup Launches 'Tennessee Goes Givful 2020' Campaign

Tennessee companies to receive no-cost volunteerism and donations platform
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Nashville tech startup Givful is launching a new program to increase workplace volunteerism and individual philanthropy across the state through its “Tennessee Goes Givful 2020” campaign. The campaign will provide the award-winning volunteering and donations control center platform to Tennessee companies at no cost and was announced Thursday by Givful President and CEO Patricia Glaser Shea.

The Givful platform harnesses cloud technology to connect employees, employers, and non-profit organizations, and simplify volunteerism, charitable contributions and reporting. The plug-and-play system is searchable, allowing employees to browse more than two million charities, connect instantly, donate or volunteer their time, and to see their impact.

Givful was named the Top Tech Start-Up Company of the year last week by the Greater Nashville Technology Council. The firm was selected for the prestigious award by a panel of more than 70 judges from across the middle-Tennessee technology community.

“Givful was built from the ground-up to be a disruptive platform because it broadens the base of personal volunteerism and philanthropy at the corporate level,” said Shea. “By providing this technology to Tennessee companies at no cost to them, we’re demonstrating our commitment to personal philanthropy, improved corporate responsibility and volunteerism that reflects the best traditions of Tennessee as The Volunteer State.”

The Tennessee Goes Givful 2020 campaign, the first of its kind in the state, runs through February 29 and is open to all Tennessee companies.

“Givful is not only innovative, it is scalable for companies of all sizes and offers speedy installation at a fraction of the cost of similar platforms, making it ideal for medium and small-sized companies that want to improve corporate responsibility,” said Shea. “The workforce of the 21st century increasingly wants to be engaged in their communities, and Givful provides companies with an additional tool to improve employee recruitment and retention.”

Companies wishing to participate in Tennessee Goes Givful 2020 may reserve their spot at Tennessee Goes Givful.

Press Contact: Scott Hogenson, 703-967-6298


Source: Givful


Tags: #cloud, #corporate social responsibility, #csr, #givful, #SaaS, #social impact, #technology, #volunteering

About Givful

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Givful is a Nashville, TN, cloud technology company. Their SaaS platform serves as a command center for all volunteering and giving activities at any company.

5543 Edmondson Pike #5
Nashville, TN 37211
United States