Nassau Cooperative Extension Awarded County Legislature Citation, Featured in National Farm and Garden Magazine, American Agriculturalist

Legislators Honor Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County Extension for Continued Commitment to Public Service

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County was recognized at a recent community meeting for its continued "exemplary service to their community." David W. Denenberg, Legislator for Nassau County's 19th Legislative District, presented the award in recognition of Nassau County Extension's "commitment to enrich the quality of life of the people of Nassau County." Receiving the citation on behalf of Nassau County Extension were Forestry and Horticulture Educator, Julie Seghrouchini, and Extension Community Educator, Bonnie Klein. Ms. Seghrouchini remarked that "we deeply appreciate of the thoughtfulness of the legislators who recognize the work we do."

The legislative citation was presented at the East Meadow Farm on Merrick Avenue in East Meadow, New York. Norma Gonsalves, 19th Legislative District Legislator, joined in celebrating the non-profit efforts of Nassau County Extension. Extension Executive Director, Laura Hunsberger, recognized the importance of Extension's public service and the East Meadow Farm to the people of Nassau County. "We are dedicated to the betterment of Nassau County and believe the many public events and activities we will provide at East Meadow Farm will enrich lives and enhance the community for generations to come," Hunsberger said.

Farm and garden magazine, American Agriculturalist, reported the legislative award recently in Staging Up The Farm On NYC's Urban Edge, a feature article profiling the preserved East Meadow Farm. The magazine noted that East Meadow Farm "is doing exactly what it was intended to do - expand and share information to a broadening consumer base." The national magazine further reported East Meadow Farm "is the operating base for horticultural experts to share research-based information on limiting pesticide use, drip irrigation and water conservation as well as tips on sustainable gardening. Community garden plots are also in place. While the farm isn't part of a farmland preservation program, it's covered under the Nassau County Environmental Bond Act and will be preserved from development." Extension Board Member and Past President, Nancy Youngfert, observed, "This is the best and highest use of this land. All Nassau County residents who voted for the Environmental Bond fund years ago can be assured that Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County will continue to deliver University-based, researched information to the residents, and continue to take care of this important public resource. When it comes to land, there is a quote that I always keep in mind, 'Land is not inherited from our parents, but borrowed from our children,' We intend to keep this land available for all of our children, forever."


Tags: agriculture, Cornell Cooperative Extension, David Denenberg, East Meadow Farm, Laura Hunsberger, Nancy Youngfert, Nassau, Nassau County Legislature

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Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County
5 Old Jericho Turnpike
Jericho, NY 11753
United States