National Science & Technology Medals Foundation to Host an Evening With Vinton Cerf at Georgetown University

The "Architect of the Internet" to speak at Georgetown University on March 27, 2017

Vinton Cerf

The National Science and Technology Medals Foundation in partnership with The Triple Helix, and Stemme will host “An Evening with Vinton Cerf” at Georgetown University’s Bioethics Research Library on Monday, March 27, 2017 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. The event is free to Georgetown University students and 10 dollars for the public with pre-registration via Eventbrite.

“An Evening with Vinton Cerf” will celebrate the legacy of National Medal of Technology and Innovation Laureate Vinton Cerf, vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google. Vinton Cerf will be interviewed by Karen Rose, Principal at Zynia Digital. The conversation will focus on Dr. Cerf’s origins, interest in technology and his key role in the development of the Internet. With focus on Dr. Cerf’s advocacy for a free and open Internet, the event will also explore net neutrality in today’s legislation of the Internet. The audience will also have an opportunity to ask questions following the interview.

"To me the evening with program will serve as an important cornerstone in the NSTMF's annual events calendar. Anytime our foundation can connect the next generation with NMS and NMTI Laureates, we are encouraging scientific and technological prosperity and progress; two characteristics that I believe are indicative of a thriving society."

Andy Rathmann-Noonan, Executive Director, NSTMF

Working with Robert Kahn in the 1970s, Vinton Cerf was integral in the development of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP), allowing the transmission of data between computers. An alumnus of Stanford University and UCLA, Dr. Cerf has received multiple awards including the National Medal of Technology, The Presidential Medal of Freedom and the ACM Alan M. Turing award. He has also appeared on the Colbert Report and at several TEDx events.

An Evening with Vinton Cerf is the first in a series of events that will provide a space for students to interact with NMS and NMTI Laureates. The NSTMF believes that this connection can become a powerful, positive motivating force. Every Laureate has a unique story and the NSTMF seeks to bring these personal and professional narratives into the public dialogue.

The National Science and Technology Medals Foundation’s mission is to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals and the general public through the stories of the National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology and Innovation Laureates. Through events such as the Evening With series and the National Medals Celebration, the NSTMF works to create a lasting connection between the public and the Science and Technology communities.

The National Science & Technology Medals Foundation is a District of Columbia 501(c)3 public charity, not affiliated with the United States Government.

Advanced registration can be accessed at this link:

Laura Charity
Phone: (202) 210-0529 
Email: [email protected]

Source: National Science & Technology Medals Foundation


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The NSTMF is a D.C. based non-profit focused on inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals and the general public through the incredible stories of the Laureates of the National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology and Innovatio

National Science and Technology Medals Foundation
3222 N Street NW STE 300
Washington, DC 20007
United States