Natural Disasters Such as Fire Storms and Their Less Obvious Effects on Daily Life

California Burning

There’s little argument that natural disasters can cause horrendous damage. What has been built with the sturdiest of materials can be torn apart in minutes, and the survivors of these events are stuck dealing with the aftermath. When disaster strikes, there are often rallying cries to bring aide to those affected in the worst of ways, which may bring about immense amounts of relief to those survivors. After a time, towns are rebuilt, and people begin putting their lives together again, but people who haven’t experienced such disasters may not realize what it takes to keep going forward, or what kind of after effects may linger. Financial Education Benefits Center (FEBC), a membership benefits company, offers discounts for everyday items like certain groceries and roadside assistance, which may ease the journey back to normalcy for some members who’ve met with natural disasters.

“California is known for its frequent earthquakes. Usually, since they’re more common than other disasters, people are better prepared for them. But disasters like fires during the hot seasons that get whipped out of control by high winds, like what Northern California experienced last October and what people near the California and Oregon border just dealt with in the first week of June, that’s a lot harder to be prepared for,” said Jennifer Martinez, manager at FEBC.

California is known for its frequent earthquakes. Usually, since they're more common than other disasters, people are better prepared for them. But disasters like fires during the hot seasons that get whipped out of control by high winds, like what Northern California experienced last October and what people near the California and Oregon border just dealt with in the first week of June, that's a lot harder to be prepared for.

Jennifer Martinez, Manager at FEBC

Air quality goes down after a fire, which could damage people’s lungs or potentially put individuals who already have lung problems at further risk. It can take several months for buildings to be built, let alone entire sections of cities or entire towns. If fire warnings persist, or sometimes even if just the temperatures start climbing again as the winds blow heavily, people who live in areas that have dealt with fires once may lose part of their sense of security and be ever fearful of losing it again. For those who lost their homes, potentially losing every possession left behind in a house, even simple things like taking showers and making breakfast become a huge problem.

But humans are tenacious and during times of strife during a natural disaster, communities may unite to help rebuild and come together to support each other make it through the times until people can stand on their own again. Rebuilding will take time, but being able to better afford things while rebuilding may make it easier. Members of FEBC could use the discounts for everyday needs, and maybe start working towards regaining a sense of normalcy. “Our business is based in California, so we remember what it’s like to see this kind of thing still, because those kinds of memories don’t go away easily. From our family to yours, please stay as safe as possible and remain strong during natural disaster events,” said Martinez.

About Financial Education Benefits Center

Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The membership company has already helped thousands save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially healthy life.

Financial Education Benefits Center has partnered with several name brand third-party companies to expand the financial and educational products and services available to its members and to provide a variety of wellness services as well.

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To learn more about Financial Education Benefits Center, please contact:

Financial Education Benefits Center

2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100

San Ramon, CA 94583


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Source: Financial Education Benefits Center


Tags: California fire storms, daily life, groceries, health and wellness, membership benefits, natural disasters, rebuilding, roadside assistance

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The Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The Company has already helped thousands of people save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially free life.

The Financial Education Benefits Center
2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100 (100)
San Ramon, CA 94583
United States