NC IAEI Electrical Inspectors Annual Convention and Tradeshow at Childress Vineyards in Lexington.
Online, October 31, 2011 ( - The NC Ellis Cannady Chapter IAEI International Association of Electrical Inspectors will hold their annual convention, electrical industry tradeshow and NEC Continuing Education seminars on November 6-8, 2011 at the Richard Childress Vineyard facility in Lexington NC. This meeting is the best opportunity in North Carolina for Inspector and Contractor continuing education, with nationally recognized NEC experts and local electrical safety professionals.
Ron Chilton is the 2010-2011 NC IAEI Chapter President. Ron has been the Chief Electrical Inspector for the NC Department of Insurance, Office of the State Fire Marshall for the past 8 years, and his experience is vital in assessing the effectiveness of NEC education for Inspectors, Contractors and other electrical industry professionals. "The North Carolina Ellis Cannady Chapter of IAEI offers outstanding education seminars for both Electrical Inspectors and Contractors alike at numerous facilities across the State each year. Although all CE courses must be approved by the North Carolina Code Qualification Board, through our Staff of excellent Instructors we have an outstanding reputation of maintaining the highest level of education available" says Chilton.
Regarding this last year as President, Ron reflects: "Serving the past year as President of the North Carolina Ellis Cannady Chapter of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors has been a highlight of my career and just being selected to serve was a tremendous honor. Without the assistance of so many dedicated Members it would not have been possible to enjoy the successes we've had over the past year. Our Education Committee has done an excellent job with seminars across the State, literally from east to west, north and south. Our Code Clearing Committee has once again offered many needed proposals for the upcoming 2014 National Electrical Code cycle to clarify issues and provide for safer electrical installations. Our Public Relations Committee has strengthened our perspective for recognition as a strong Association for safety in all avenues. Our Membership Committee in its dedication has once again maintained its diligence toward the growth of our Chapter. The By Laws Committee has assured by amendments and editorials that our policies and protocol are in accordance with our International Office. All of our Committees have worked to achieve successful accomplishments during this past year, and I'm proud of our accomplishments".
The NC IAEI is dedicated to protecting and serving the community, keeping our citizens safe from electrical hazards. Ron Chilton summarizes: "Through the perseverance, integrity, and dedication of our Members, both Contractors and Inspectors, we have carried on the tradition of safe electrical installations in the State of North Carolina, providing for a better understanding with dissemination of information and enforcement of guidelines for hazard free electrical systems".
The annual tradeshow features electrical product manufacturers and distributors, testing laboratories, where attendees have the unique opportunity to learn directly from the top representatives. This interactive and personal opportunity to ask questions and learn about the latest advances in electrical products and electrical safety is one of the best forums to learn from top industry experts.
The NC IAEI members include electrical and building inspectors, electrical contractors, engineers, utility engineers, testing laboratory inspectors, electrical equipment and component manufacturing specialists and more. The NC IAEI regularly submits NEC code change proposals, and is one of the most active chapters in the Southeast. Many proposals from the NC Chapter end up being Code.
This year, Greg Smith, Project Engineer from MET Laboratories will be installed as the new Chapter President. Greg brings 20 years of product safety experience to the association, and will work hard to continue the progress made by many outstanding NC Ellis Cannady Chapter Presidents.
For more information, go to the NC IAEI website: If you have additional questions or needs, fill out the information on our "Contact us" page, or call Mary Higgins at 919-773-9042 ext. 205.
For convention schedule and forms, go to "Meetings" page.
Tags: CEU, CEU’s, electrical contractor, electrical education, electrical inspector, National Electrical Code, NC Electrical Inspector, NEC, NEC 2011