NEDA Announces PSA Competition To Be Judged By Celebrity Media Panel

Challenge is Part of Efforts to Raise Awareness of Eating Disorders During the 24th Annual NEDAwareness Week, Feb. 20-26

The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is announcing a PSA competition as part of this year's national outreach campaign to raise awareness about eating disorders (EDs) during its 24th annual National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Feb. 20-26.

With the theme It's Time to Talk About It, NEDAwareness Week is the non-profit group's largest national outreach campaign to raise consciousness about the realities and seriousness of these illnesses, while educating the public on signs and symptoms and encouraging people to get help. The goal is also to spread a message of hope: Help is available, recovery is possible and those affected are not alone in their struggle! NEDA also challenges unrealistic, unhealthy body size expectations, diets and fat talk to reduce disordered eating and ultimately EDs.

Lynn Grefe, president and CEO of NEDA commented, "Today's pressure cooker of 'the thin ideal' versus obesity is creating our own kind of body mass confusion. Speaking out is more critical now than ever before. We should be measured by the size of our hearts, not our hips. Together, as a society, we should focus on health instead of beauty. We have a lot to talk about and this rich conversation can help save lives by bringing healthy common sense to the forefront."

"The idea behind the PSA competition," explains Grefe, "is to give entrants a voice and ask them, 'How would you talk about it?'" Winners will be selected by a NEDA Celebrity Media Judges Panel, including: George Larrimore, managing editor of Access Hollywood; and others to be announced.

The Grand Prize winner will receive round-trip, coach airfare to New York City (domestic 48 states only), two nights hotel stay, $200 in prize/travel money and will be recognized at NEDA's annual benefit dinner, April 7, where the PSA will be debuted. A 1st Prize winner will receive a $100 prize; and a 2nd Prize winner will receive a $50 prize. All three PSAs will be featured on NEDA's website, will be shown at NEDA's annual conference, Oct. 13-15, in Los Angeles; and will be made available to media outlets and other organizations.

RULES & REGULATIONS: The PSA must be 30 seconds in length; be all original material; have a helpful, hopeful or informative message about EDs; and include the NEDA website address and/or helpline number. Submissions must be accompanied by an official submission/release form and postmarked/received no later than Feb. 20, 2011 @ noon EST. Winners will be notified by and an announcement made no later than March 14, 2011. Entries that do not meet all guidelines will be disqualified. Submissions will not be returned.

For complete rules & requirements and to submit a release form (required):

NEDAwareness Week 2011 is already generating interest nationwide, with volunteers coordinating events throughout the country using their local media muscle to spread the word about eating disorders. During this week, hundreds of events will be held in communities coast to coast, offering an opportunity for people to gather information and learn how to support those with eating disorders.

Among the events planned: Seminars and workshops on college campuses and in other venues, film festivals, health fairs and screenings, awareness walks, candlelight vigils, fundraisers, artistic performances and Great Jeans Giveways - to encourage people to get rid of jeans that don't fit and to buy jeans that fit the real person.

For additional information on NEDAwareness Week, ideas about what you can do to help make a difference, statistics on EDs or to purchase pamphlets and other materials, visit:


Tags: Eating Disorders, NEDA, PSA

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