Need Creation Techniques by Advance
Online, April 2, 2014 ( - Plenty have been written on Need creation and addressing needs. But, after interviewing several Sales professionals, we've found that around 45-60% cases, they need to address to 'unrecognised' needs rather than responding to 'recognised' needs!
Unrecognised Needs define the situations where your customer is aware of the problems but couldn't figure out a solution, while recognised needs are those , where you customer knows the solution and he is in the process of selecting the best solution available in the market.
Conventional wisdom says 'Sell Benefits'. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell you how to identify benefits. First then, a definition: The advantages of your offering do not become benefits until your prospect has told you why they are important. As the prospect tells you all about their problems and ambitions, they are, at the same time, telling you the benefits that they are looking for. They are telling you the benefits even before they know what is that you are selling.
Prospects buy because they have a need. We can create, influence, and develop needs in the prospect both for our products and our uniqueness.
Advance's course on 'Need Creation' explores how to create or amplify the need for our offering. The discussion starts with the prospect's vision of problems and opportunities. Needs are then created/ developed by allowing them to 'wallow' in their issues in our area of expertise. The more they talk, the more they convince themselves.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course you will be able to :
• Identify areas of need for your customer.
• Hold thought-provoking conversations that stimulate needs for your products.
• Describe and sell a vision.
• Use effect questions to create need.
• Differentiate between benefits and criteria to create a need for your product.
Advance Selling Skills Academy has successfully introduced this course to leading organisations like IBM, Vodafone, Xerox and Lufthansa. Advance has reshaped sales career of more than 20000 sales professionals across the world. Advance courses are available online and fully interactive with lots of online assignment and brain stimulators. The most unique proposition is, the courses from Advance can be integrated fully on CRM and gives the managers full access to track their subordinates learning outcomes and improvement 24/7.
Please Visit: to Know More About Need Creation Techniques by Advance.
Tags: Amplifying Customer Needs, Create Customer Needs, Creating Customer Needs, Need Based Selling, Need Creation Techniques, sales strategies, Sales Tacti