Neil Tortorella Shows Artists How To Build A Successful Career As A Musician

Plantation, FL-based author, Neil Tortorella, shows aspiring musicians how to build a successful career in the music industry in his new book, Starting Your Career As A Musician.

Neil Tortorella shows aspiring musicians how to build a successful career in the music industry in his new book, Starting Your Career As A Musician. The book, released in February, 2013, is published by New York publisher, Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing.

Starting Your Career As A Musician is light on musical theory, playing ability and technique, but heavy on practical, step-by-step information," said Tortorella. He added, "The book contains advice, tips, how-tos and resources, along with numerous insights from veteran and novice musicians. Readers will learn how they earned their way to success through setting the right goals, systematic planning, implementation and consistency."

Starting Your Career As A Musician isn't just another book about bands or music. It's a business book for musicians - A roadmap that guides the reader through the maze of establishing their solo act or band.

Within its 240 pages, the author also discusses:
• Setting realistic, attainable goals
• Marketing and promoting music on and offline
• Developing a media relations program
• Building a brand and growing a solid fan base
• Balancing a musical career and personal life
• Money issues for musicians
• Readers will also gain the savvy they need when it comes to the less musical, yet critical business tasks such as legal and tax issues, copyrights and protecting their work

Starting Your Career As A Musician is destined to be a book readers will keep close-at-hand and reference it often in the years to come as they build their music, their act, their merchandise and ultimately prosper as a musician. Additional information can be found at

Neil Tortorella brings with him over 30 years experience as an award-winning graphic designer, writer and marketing consultant. He has operated his own design and marketing consulting practice, Tortorella Design, for over 25 years. Through Tortorella Design, Neil has worked with several Fortune 500 businesses, along with small to mid-sized companies, to develop pragmatic solutions to their communications challenges. His key strength is blending branding and marketing strategy with memorable visuals and copy to create a distinctive impression in the minds of his clients' audiences. Tortorella Design's website can be found at His writing and marketing consulting site can be found at

Tortorella is also the author of Starting Your Career As A Freelance Web Designer and The Freelance Writers Business Book. He is an avid writer on marketing, promotion and business topics. He authors a popular blog, Inside the Marketing Mind. Neil's writing can also be found on BoDo - Business of Design online, where he's a founding team partner and author of the Marketing Minute. In addition, Tortorella is a contributing writer for HOW Magazine, a leading graphic design publication.

Tortorella is featured in the book, The Savvy Designer's Guide to Success, by Jeff Fisher, published by HOW Design Books, Cincinnati, OH and in Creatively Self Employed, by Kristen Fisher. He is also featured in Design Matters: Portfolios, by Maura Keller, published by Rockport Publishers. His graphic design work has been featured in Pitney Bowes' Priorities Magazine and HOW Magazine.


Tags: artist, Business, indie, music, musician

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1291 NW 90 Way
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