NetDirector Launches Health Information Exchange (HIE) Service

NetDirector announces their new HIE service. HIE is a way of instantly sharing patient information among doctor's offices, hospitals, labs, and other health organizations. HIE coordinates with Electronic Health Records (EHR) to improve patient care.

NetDirector, provider of a centralized data exchange service today announced the launch of their Health Information Exchange (HIE) service. NetDirector's HIE provides the capability to electronically move clinical information among disparate healthcare information systems while maintaining the meaning of the information being exchanged. NetDirector's HIE adheres to HL7 standards, which is an electronic document exchange standard for sharing comprehensive patient information. In addition, NetDirector fully supports HL7's version 2.x as well as 3.0 providing compatibility between versions.

HIE, is a way of instantly sharing health information among doctors' offices, hospitals, labs, radiology centers, and other health organizations. NetDirector's HIE improves patient care by enhancing workflow, and demonstrating meaningful use of health information technology. NetDirector also provides ancillary value-added services such as: Single sign-on Password Manager, which improves workflows and saves clinicians 15 minutes per day by automatically logging into multiple healthcare systems; NetExtract, is a document to data extraction service that can be used to pull patient clinical information off of medical records; and NetCorrect, a suite of patient address validation/correction utilities that ensures quality patient demographics.

NetDirector's HIE service provides interoperability between information systems to seamlessly share data across the spectrum of care. Other benefits include:

• Easy conversion of all codes including ICD-9 to ICD-10.
• Reduce time, cost, and effort for Electronic Health Record (EHR) integration.
• Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery model requires NO hardware/software installation.
• Security provides one level above on-line banking.
• Improve clinical workflow and reduce administrative costs by easily mapping to different healthcare partners.

"We believe our data exchange will provide significant benefits to the Healthcare ecosystem by streamlining the flow of patient records," said Harry Beisswenger, chief operating officer at NetDirector. "We plan on building on our success in other industries by deploying a provider/system neutral solution that will ease the current challenges of healthcare system interoperability. Our centralized internet hub architecture lends itself to quick deployment of new healthcare providers and data transaction types."

As payers migrate to pay for performance reimbursement, hospitals and physician practices must be able to improve and report data effectively. NetDirector's HIE service enables reliable and secure data and document exchange among diverse systems; improving healthcare delivery and information gathering. HIE is no longer an option for industry providers; it's the foundation necessary to support the meaningful use of health information technology. NetDirector's HIE service meets the requirements of the HITECH Act -ensuring opportunity for maximum reimbursement.


Tags: data exchange, Electronic Health Records, HITECH Act

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Harry Beisswenger
Press Contact, NetDirector
10951 Countryway Blvd.
Suite 102
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