Nevada Minimum Wage Increased July 1, Personnel Concepts Advises State Employers
Online, July 8, 2010 ( - ONTARIO, Calif.-Personnel Concepts, pacesetter and pioneer in the labor law compliance poster industry, advises employers in Nevada that the state's minimum wage took a constitutional hike on July 1, 2010, and that posting the revised "Rules To Be Observed By Employers" minimum-wage notification is mandatory.
Nevada uses a two-tiered minimum wage, one for companies offering health benefits and one for those not offering such benefits. On July 1, the minimum wage for companies offering health coverage went from $6.55 to $7.25 an hour. For all others, the rise was from $7.55 to $8.25 an hour.
Also effective July 1, employees with health benefits earning less than $10.875 per hour and employees earning less than $12.375 per hour without health benefits must be paid overtime if they work more than eight hours in a 24-hour period.
Personnel Concepts has updated its Nevada Space Saver-1 All-On-One State and Federal Labor Law Poster accordingly and also created a replacement minimum-wage panel, which will be provided to subscribers to update existing posters. Both are also available for purchase.
"Nevada's minimum wage hikes are tied by a constitutional amendment to rise above the national rate, so Nevada is one of the few states to raise its minimum this year during times of economic trouble," said Robert Leland, director of research for Personnel Concepts. "Illinois is another, and that raise was scheduled three years ago."
To order or obtain more information, please visit or call toll free to 800-333-3795.
Personnel Concepts pioneered the labor law and health and safety compliance poster industry in 1989 with its All-On-One approach. It also led the industry in developing a skilled, knowledgeable and experienced research team that keeps constant vigil on government regulatory changes and updates clients on changing labor law and OSHA requirements. Its "We Pay the Fine" guarantee was an industry first and is still a mainstay of its strong customer service tradition.
Personnel Concepts' customers have relied on the company's products and services for the past two decades to protect them from government fines, employee lawsuits and other costly consequences associated with non-compliance. Businesses throughout the nation have entrusted their compliance to Personnel Concepts, and the company in turn embraces that responsibility by keeping up to date on changing regulations and tailoring a wide variety of simplified solutions. The company currently advises and serves more than 1.2 million businesses throughout the United States from its headquarters in Ontario, Calif., with the motto "Your Trusted Compliance Partner."
Tags: minimum wage, nevada, Nevada minimum wage