New 9/11 Truth Website:
Online, April 2, 2010 ( - A long-time 9/11 researcher finally begins his own website. Not only have I come to find there is a hidden truth behind 9/11, which many even now, do not even suspect; but in researching 9/11, a conspiracy, global in implementation, monstrous in intention, can be made out; something like making a hole in the sky in "The Truman Show."
While there are a large number of websites which form part of the 9/11 Truth Movement out there, many people are still unaware that there even is a 9/11 Truth Movement. Some, especially watchers of Fox News, are under the impression that Truthers are terrible people, or unpatriotic; but to examine them, they are among the most loyal to the ideals the U.S. was founded on. They include both liberals and conservatives, traditionalists and progressives, believers and non-believers; and they are much more numerous than the television would lead you to believe. I would suggest the evidence is much more on their side than most people would believe; but many simply refuse to do more than glance at the evidence and say "ridiculous." Others think it does not matter anymore. However, Truthers believe that the conspiracy did not end with the Bush administration. For example, Obama has refused to investigate it further; although many of the members of the 9/11 Commission say things like they were lied to by high-level people, and it was set up to fail from the beginning. Many of the family members of the 9/11 victims say the Commission was a whitewash. Some have produced their own video, "9/11 Press for Truth," in order to highlight questions that were never answered by the 9/11 Commission; many of which had been asked very publicly beforehand. Most Truthers believe the mainstream media have shamelessly covered up the existence of the 9/11 Truth movement for many years, and have been covering up, or barely reporting on problems with the official story. If the media, the Obama administration and the Bush administration have been covering up important facts about 9/11; is it wise for people to assume that anything about it is being hidden for the good of the people, or should more people apprise themselves of the claims of the Truthers? Truthers virtually all say that 9/11 is the tip of the iceberg that indicates a government that is no longer functioning by democratic means, or for the good of the people.
Behind the Curtain is a website devoted to researching many of the many aspects of 9/11 that do not pass the smell test; and bringing together some of the best sources for each. Thus far, there are in-depth investigations of the following topics:
* Possible and/or Probable Motives
* Suspicious Administration Actions Before 9/11
* Government Foreknowledge and Prior Warnings
* The Lack of Military Response
* Dancing Israelis and White Vans
* The Pentagon Attack
* The Media Blackout of the 9/11 Truth Movement
* Links to dozens of other 9/11 Truth websites
When one begins investigating some of the very troubling aspects of 9/11, one finds out how the power structures that resulted in such a colossal hoax being perpetrated against U.S. citizens, Afghanistan and Iraq relates to larger power structures that appear to permeate virtually every nation on Earth. As time permits, further topics will include the U.S. Shadow Government, the U.N., Central Banks, False-Flag Terrorism, the Nazis, the JFK assassination, and hidden world government power structures. These things are real. They are out there, and can be proven, with materials already in the public domain; from mainstream news media, from books by witnesses and governmental authorities, from news reports that have largely been blacked out since their broadcast, and from government documents. It is sometimes referred to as the "open conspiracy," but when the aims of this conspiracy are understood, the curtain is pulled back on some dangerous people indeed. Take a look behind it yourself, if you dare.
Tags: 9/11 Truth, Bush, conspiracy, Nazi, Obama, Socialism, U.N.