New Anti-Piracy Cloud Technology Released. Xelleon PLC

Xelleon PLC (XLL - Frankfurt Exchange) on Monday May 16th 2011 announced its first official day of trading today. The company has developed and applied patents on some of the most innovative piracy protection / encryption technology on the market.

Generally the term DRM brings senda a shiver up the spines of media consumers, but one company plans not only to change the overall consumer perception of DRM, but also how and where it's used.

This company hit the ground running. Unlike most technology companies coming to the market, the story here doesn't start with a company needing money to develop something. Xelleon PLC boasts some very impressive claims on its website The company has developed a cloud based application serving technology that uniquely protects distributable movies, documents, music, books, games, data, credit card transactions, communications and much more. It seems like an almost unlimited technology.

Xelleon's Founder and President Dale Scott Marion, posted this in a statement to the Associated Press today. "Xelleon has the technology to secure, protect and distribute dynamic applications from within a cloud environment. This technology represents the future of data delivery, it is a complete re-engineering of secure application, content and data delivery. It offers more security, more scalability, a more dynamic user experience, more options for promotion, viral sharing, stealth piracy cloaking and encryption that is the highest rated in the industry."

The technology Marion is referring to is Xelleons Impervio(TM) and Cognitive Scripting(TM) cloud technologies. Which, according to their website make possible the delivery of an incredibly strong anti-hacking and anti-piracy enabled content and data with 100% stealth security encryption and DRM tracking.

The technology was put under a 6 month review back in 2010 by Dieko Corporation of California and certified as Stealth. This means that whatever application the cloud system is distributing to a user, it comes equipped with the highest level protection system on the market, is tied directly to each user and the device they decide to download it to. Apparently clients are lining up around the corner to have their applications, music, films and books, delivered using the Xelleon technology.

So what does all this mean for the music, movie and game industries? Well, it doesn't stop people from sneaking video cameras into movie theaters or recording music off the radio with their digital recorders. What it does do, according to Marion is, "It deters pirates from hacking the original file, thwarts screen and audio capturing within the pc environment and makes legal sharing and gifting of content both simple and attractive."

Xelleon's Vice President Randal Reaney, Former President of Canada Bank Card Systems said, "We are in the midst of delivering on numerous contracts and agreements. We will release news of these over the next few days. We are also negotiating and have finalized deals with numerous number 1 recording artists and film producers who are anxious to have our protection and DRM system behind their content."

Xelleon is also near the launch of their website, slated for July 21st. The site offers artists the ability to sell, distribute, track and virally market secure compilations of "exclusive and nonexclusive content"

A very interesting point mentioned in the release to the Associated Press today was that anyone downloading content from simpozia will then be able to make a commission for promoting the purchased item. To send links to friends all they need to do is click a button within the player. They can then post a direct affiliate link to their facebook, twitter, my_space or other social media site and make up to a 10% commission for each sale. The money from the commission is paid to the user through their simpozia page directly to their paypal account, and apparently the content being shared is completely secure.

When asked whether they were worried about competing with iTunes for market share, Marion answered, "we would be happy to integrate our technology with iTunes, to protect the artists content, as a recording artist myself, the industries current stance on how content is protected for online distribution, in my opinion, is unacceptable."

After speaking with Marion at length, it was apparent that he had an extreme amount of passion and knowledge as to where the company is heading, and the goals it's pursuing.

For more information on Xelleon, or to invest in Xelleon PLC, visit their website.


Tags: Anti Piracy, Anti Piracy Technology Companies, drm, investment, Mobile Payment Security

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