New Aventura Varicose Veins Treatment Offers Results Within 60 Minutes

North Beach Vascular & Aesthetics First in South Florida to offer Clari-Vein Device for Varicose Veins Treatment

In the time it takes to enjoy a business lunch, men and women can now eliminate varicose veins with the new Lunchtime Leg Lift. Performed by Dr Adam Gropper MD at North Beach Vascular & Aesthetics, the 60-minute procedure is possible thanks to a new, twirling endovenous device called Clari-Vein which destroys abnormal veins without anesthesia and with minimal discomfort. North Beach Vascular & Aesthetics is the first in South Florida to offer this varicose veins treatment Aventura men and women can use in the fight against varicose veins.

"Clari-Vein and devices like it are likely to be the future of varicose vein treatment," states Dr. Gropper, who also serves as Chief of Radiology with Jackson Health System Community Hospitals. "There are many advantages to Clari-Vein over existing techniques - including minimal discomfort, negligible bruising, no risk of thermal (heat) damage to nerves or skin, no multiple needle punctures, and rapid return to normal activities. The best part is this quick and painless procedure conveniently fits into the busiest of schedules."

Clari-Vein works by placing a small needle through the skin and into the vein. Once inside, a chemical solution is introduced into the target area and a rotating wire scrapes the inside walls of the vein. The scraping enables the chemical to penetrate deeply into the wall of the vein, enhancing the effects of the treatment. Ultrasound imaging is used before (to locate the target section of the vein), during (to monitor the therapy), and after (to ensure the treatment has been completed and larger veins have not been damaged).

After the procedure, patients can to drive themselves home or back to the office. Exercise and other activities can resume the next day. Studies show Clari-Vein is just as effective as radio frequency and laser energy treatments. However, unlike other therapies, patients undergoing varicose vein removal with the Clari-Vein device appear to experience less post-procedure swelling, bruising and pain.

"More than 80 million adults suffer from venous disorders and many people do not seek treatment due to the discomfort and recovery time of traditional treatments," said Gropper. "Our Lunchtime Leg Lift treatment aims to treat venous disorders in a comfortable, calming environment without disrupting patients' lifestyles."

About North Beach Vascular & Aesthetics
North Beach Vascular and Aesthetics is boutique-style, medical center dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of medical and cosmetic vascular disorders under the supervision of Dr. Adam Gropper. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 305.957-7277 or visit


Tags: dr adam gropper md, varicose veins, varicose veins treatment aventur

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Press Contact, North Beach Vascular & Aesthetics
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15400 Biscayne Blvd.
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