New Book, Angels From Hell, Aims to Stop Crime and Help Victimized Communities
Online, October 21, 2009 ( - Instances of crime in the City of Winnipeg may be decreasing, but the severity of the types of crimes being committed are reaching horrific levels. Statistics Canada still places Winnipeg No. 1 on the violent crime severity index, despite an 11 per cent drop over the last few years. And while the city begins to target high profile gang members and considers adding more police to the streets, Dr. Byron Elsey, a chaplain who has dedicated his life to helping the community, has written a book to help prevent crime at the source and rehabilitate released criminals.
In his controversial new book, Angels from Hell, Elsey turns his keen attention to the social problems behind crime. In it, he explores the reality facing many criminals in our society such as the history of their family, the consequences of early entry into the penal system and the complications of reentering society after incarceration. Elsey hopes to stop the cycle of crime by dealing with the issues behind the behaviour and give families and the community the knowledge and tools to create a safer environment for everyone.
Elsey says, "Sooner or later, most families will have a member who becomes involved with the justice system either as a criminal or a victim. Many victims are scarred for life. When a criminal changes his/her ways we all benefit. When a criminal's family works toward a healthy future, everyone benefits. The criminal's children are much less likely to become criminals themselves, as happens in many cases now." Elsey has helped hundreds of families get through the tough times. He knows what it is like to roll out of bed at 3:00 a.m. to aid a family in need.
In many cities, the number of re-offences is very high, prisons are costing more and more and the fear of crime cripples many people's lives. If the old methods were working, communities would be experiencing a decrease in instances and severity of criminal activity, but that is not the case. Elsey's experience has shown it is time to do something about the situation many communities face. Crime will not go away on its own. Criminals and their families need to address the underlying issues and the community needs to be involved in the process to ensure the effects are long lasting.
Elsey knows there are no easy answers, but criminal profiling and additional police presence in the streets will only add to this growing problem. His book shares many insights related to criminal behavior and makes recommendations which, if put into practice in our communities every day, would certainly reduce crime. Though he wrote the book based on his experiences in Winnipeg, the concepts and practices are universal. This book, besides dealing with the why of crime, also provides much helpful material for families in many problem areas, such as relationships, parenting, addictions, violence and self- image.
Angels From Hell - A Community Approach to Preventing Crime and Healing Criminals
Byron Elsey
BookSurge Publishing
Softcover, $14.99
ISBN: 978-1439249345
Publication Date: September 2009
Tags: community, crime, family