New Book for Women Explains How to Trade Stress and Worry for a Happy Life
Keizer, OR, July 18, 2015 ( - Busting Sadness--Your Ticket To A Happy Life; Life-Changing Happiness Skills for Women by the AnswerGirls reveals the secret to avoiding negativity and worry, and shows women how easy it is to build more happiness into their lives.
Most of what makes a woman sad is caused by other people -- tragedy and heartbreak only account for 10% of a woman's sorrow. Hurt feelings, embarrassments, mean people, family bullies, cruel co-workers, rude relatives and unhappy events account for the other 90% of the issues that bring women to tears.
"If you haven't met the AnswerGirls yet it's time you did. Writing just for women, the AnswerGirls give straight-forward advice that's organized on the outside, feisty and flip on the inside."
AnswerGirls, Author
Every woman has highs and lows, but it's how she handles those people and sad times that determines exactly how long those blues will hang around. And, once you learn what it is that gets between a woman and her happiness, the route gets a whole lot easier.
Chronic unhappiness is nothing more than a bad habit, and like any other bad habit it can be unlearned. Making that adjustment is simple once a woman knows how. To make that adjustment easy, this book includes 13 simple exercises designed to help a women improve her happiness level.
Readers will learn simple tricks for handling negative people and situations, the secret to breaking the worry habit, how to close the lid on past garbage once and for all, what a woman needs to do if she wants to guarantee a happy home, and how to spot, avoid and control happiness-busting situations.
They will also discover why men are happier than women, how to spot worry issues that aren't worth their time, quick ways to deal with toxic or nosy relatives and co-workers, why they need to eliminate phony friends, how to find happy solutions for work problems, and a whole lot more.
Every AnswerGirls' book offers solid female advice aimed at helping women to succeed, rather than to live life as instructed by men. With voices reflecting many different careers, professions, ages and experiences, their books are packed full of solid, time-tested female advice.
Each AnswerGirl book has one primary writer, but all of the AnswerGirls provide comments on the subject throughout the book. They're not only educational, they're also fun for women of all ages. Available online from Amazon, AnswerGirl books are available in both print and Kindle eBook versions.
A second title Win Your Arguments Without Being Labeled A Bitch was also released this month.
Tags: answer girls, books for women, busting sadness series, for women only, happiness for women