New Book on Autism Comes to Grips with Vaccination/Autism Issue.
Online, January 25, 2013 ( - A new book from Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD is now available on Amazon and other outlets . Excerpts from the Kirkus Indie Book Review just out on this book are cited below:
An Ancient Foe Becomes a Modern Scourge - The Return of a Stealth Bacteria
Broxmeyer, Dr. Lawrence
CreateSpace (180 pp.)
$8.95 paperback
ISBN: 978-1478101260; November 14, 2012
"Autism has proved to be one of the more haunting medical mysteries of recent times. As the diagnosis rate explodes, desperate parents and baffled doctors have searched in vain for an explanation. Broxmeyer, an internist and experienced medical researcher who's studied both AIDS and Alzheimer's disease, offers a new perspective. His book focuses on an underresearched link between autism and fetal exposure to tuberculosis bacteria. The hypothesis is a fascinating one, and Broxmeyer provides evidence from enough esteemed researchers to give credence to his ideas."
The consensus that autism is from an intrauterine infection is growing, bolstered by Patterson's and Fatemi's studies. However, the question still unanswered remains: which infection? This of course is unknown. But in Autism: An Ancient Foe, a prime, conceivable candidate is logically presented, and compellingly supported by scientific literature, old and new. Until 1980 autism is still called "childhood schizophrenia" and in some parts of the world, it still is. By the same token, an extensive body of medical literature ties schizophrenia to mycobacterial disease, the infectious focus of this book. This was only brought more sharply into focus when Rzhetsky, in 2007, used a proof-of-concept biostatistical analysis of 1.5 million patient records, to find significant genetic overlap in humans with autism, schizophrenia........and tuberculosis. To this effect NIMH trials, presently ongoing, will determine whether the anti-tubercular drug Seromycin helps to diminish the symptomatology of autism as it did in animal models.
In a sense, this connection is hardly a new one. As early as the 1887s, John Langdon Down, a subset of whose "developmentally retarded" children were autistic, saw this infection "for the most part" as resulting from parental tuberculosis.
Ann Arbor pathologist A.S. Warthin, appearing in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, suggested that even a woman with silent foci of tuberculosis in her body, and with no symptoms could experience reactivation of her disease upon becoming pregnant. That, in turn, could transmit blood-borne TB bacilli to her unborn child. In fact, Warthin emphasized, this sort of transmission was not only possible, but common. Warthin saw silent assymtomatic tuberculosis during pregnancy as a "very grave danger" to the fetus. He also mentions that tubercle bacilli could pass through the placenta into fetal circulation without causing changes to either placental structure, or actual fetal tissue. In such cases, it could only be found in fetal blood-where it could remain, undetected, while-as J.F. Schoeman would later argue-it could cause the sort of neonatal brain lesions that lay behind all neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism.
But TB has been "eradicated," right? Hardly, Broxmeyer explains. While tuberculosis is not generally regarded in the West as the killer disease it once was, according to the World Health Organization, TB presently affects over one-third of the world's inhabitants. Even in the twenty-first century, globally, at least one person is infected with tuberculosis per second, and someone dies of TB every ten seconds. Tuberculosis kills 2-3 million people each year, more than any other infectious disease in the world.
Among this books conclusions - working within its well-referenced stipulated microbial causation - is this with regards to possible autism/vaccination linkage:
One must distinguish between a direct as opposed to indirect influence on the issue of vaccines or their ingredients on autism - which probably are not a primary cause but rather an aggravating circumstance.
"First of all, most of the vaccines in today's infant/maternal schedules have a direct contraindication to such potential chronic, even dormant tubercular infection. And on top of this, physician/researcher Hartz, after extensive human trials, appeared in a older issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), insisting that mercury compounds were "positively injurious and detrimental to one afflicted with tuberculosis". If this is so, then it easily follows that a mercury-bearing substance like Thiomerosol would only make worse existing infection. In addition some of the oil adjuvants used to increase a vaccines potency are lipids or oils that are cholesterol precursors, becoming cholesterol in the body. Such a cholesterol surge is a big boost for any dormant systemic tuberculosis already in the body, who's very ability to maintain infection is linked to its ability to acquire and utilize cholesterol. So crucial is this unique ability of TB to use cholesterol in the body for both carbon and energy sources, that if it were not for its ability to grow off of cholesterol, tuberculosis, unlike other pathogens, would be unable to resist eradication through cytokine attack and the attempts of certain activated white blood cells called macrophages to starve it of essential nutrients. Cholesterol utilization is actually just one of many true survival mechanisms acquired after eons and eons which has made TB, from a historic sense, probably the most successful human pathogen on the planet.
So in comparative and simpler terms, one might look at an injection of certain vaccine adjuvants, squalene among them, whether inside or outside of a vaccination, as lighting up chronic foci of tuberculosis like a Christmas tree. This does not mean that vaccinations or mercury per se cause autism, although certainly either are capable of precipitating a child's original autistic event by acting in synergy with the infection actually behind autism. Thus they could very well appear to be its cause."
More information about Autism: An Ancient Foe can be found on:
Tags: atypical tuberculosis, Autism, cause of autism, cell-wall-deficint bacteria., mycobacteria, stealth bacteria, tuberculosis, vaccines and autism